Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#183 Necro 1.0 Sir Edwin Motte starting npc new Bug Critical
#42 Reclaim Energy research needed new Bug Major
#68 Memory blur spells do not clear hate new Bug Major
#182 Rogue 1.0 Pickpocket Stained Parchments new Bug Major
#187 NPCs are casting AE spells through walls in places they shouldnt new Bug Major
#188 Abysmal vendors do not show all available items new Bug Major
#48 Lesson of the Devoted new Bug Minor
#53 Group leadership no longer applies when in a raid accepted Bug Minor
#84 Spell component requirements with focus or aa new Bug Minor
#176 SK 1.0 Rharzar spawn location new Bug Minor
#181 Allow turning in stacked items to npcs new Feature Minor
#185 Nexus Portals new Feature Minor
#177 Undead Bard Spawn Cycle new Bug Trivial
#178 Grimling Forest War new Bug Trivial
#179 Berserker 1.0 Lingering Axefall event new Bug Trivial
#180 Praklon step of Berserker Epic 1.0 new Bug Trivial
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.