Ticket #107 (new Feature) — at Initial Version

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

Lobby to Natimbi

Reported by: dulavo
Priority: Major Milestone:
Component: Other
Expansion: GoD
Client: Sensitive: no


There was a post in the suggestions forum about it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to make a trac ticket.

I think it'd be beneficial to everyone (and not in an overpowered way) to allow for the Lobby Magus to port directly to Natimbi. It isn't as if it's a port to ToV directly or something, rather, it's just cutting out one unnecessary zone line that is relatively pointless. For boxers, this would save loads of time, and really has no detrimental effects. This seems logical, especially considering the Natimbi Magus can port directly back to Lobby.

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