Ticket #123 (new Bug)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

UF: Bard Instrument Mods

Reported by: lewolf
Priority: Major Milestone:
Component: Spell
Client: Underfoot Sensitive: no


Bard instrument mods are not being properly applied to buff songs like Psalms of Veeshan and Selo's Accelerating Chorus.

The bonus for Psalms for example is only giving a 75 resist boost with epic on UF, but gives well over 100 when on SoD or Titanium.

UHC noted in another ticket that many UF bugs have been fixed in the emu base code. Here is a link to the thread:

And here is a direct link to the emu fix for instrument mods:

Change History

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by uhc

After reviewing our posted Underfoot.cpp and Underfoot_structs.h files, here are the recommended changes:

In Underfoot.Cpp, Replace
eq->instrument_focus = emu->bard_focus_id;
eq->instrument_mod = 1.0f + (emu->instrument_mod - 10) / 10.0f;

In Underfoot_structs.cpp, you can delete line 1206 and 1207
/*10*/ uint16 instrument_focus;
/*12*/ uint16 unknown12; // seems to always be set to something and it doesn't change between casts except in special cases like changing instrument mods

and replace it with a single line:
/*10*/ float instrument_mod;

These changes appear to be conserved through recent updates on PEQ.

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