Ticket #158 (closed Bug: Invalid)

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

warping in bazaar misbehavior

Reported by: kaleep
Priority: Trivial Milestone:
Component: Vendor
Expansion: Luclin
Client: Underfoot Sensitive: no


I entered the bazaar, cast selo's accelarating chorus, looked up the item I wished to purchase, bought a spell from known(cry of thunder) I then ran straight back to the teleporter pad next to the bank, when I teleported to the other part of the zone, after approximately 1 second I was instantly transported back to Known.

I ran back, and once again when I entered the teleporter I was instantly transported back to Known.

I turned off selo's and tried again, and I did not have any issues.

I looked up known, to use the built in method of instantly teleporting back to known, and I found I could repeat the bug.

This is a LOW priority, just adding it because it seems wrong, and bugs might point to major issues.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by titan

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid
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