Ticket #183 (new Bug)

Opened 2 years ago

Necro 1.0 Sir Edwin Motte starting npc

Reported by: skomag
Priority: Critical Milestone:
Component: Quest
Client: Sensitive: no


According to eqprogression guide: Edwin spawns as part of a NPC spawn cycle inside an inn at the hill giant area of the zone. Edwin's place holders will spawn and despawn on their own every minute or so. Some of them stay up longer, some of them shorter. You don't need to kill any of them. Eventually Edwin will spawn.

I see no quest scripts that would do this and Sir Edwin Motte (50300) is a 7% spawn chance from a normal spawn2 entry.


This probably needs to be scripted to rotate this spawn every few minutes.

Necro 1.0 may be impossible now without killing this spawn which would take faction hits on some of the npcs.

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