Ticket #41 (new Bug) — at Initial Version

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

Spell Effect: Enduring Breath, Everlasting Breath: Underfoot Client

Reported by: uhc
Priority: Minor Milestone: Patch 2012-03-19
Component: Spell
Client: Underfoot Sensitive: no


Reproducible Bug:
Underfoot clients casts enduring breath or everlasting breath on self or other client. Buff appears, but breathing effect is either lost very quickly or never present, and client continues to show breathing timer.

In contrast, items with innate(worn) effects including enduring breath appear to be fully functional.

Enduring and Everlasting breath have been previously vetted on EQEmu and EQTitan in game by myself using Titanium client. There are no reports of this not working with SoD Client on either server.

-Not tested with zoning, as Levitation was confirmed to re-establish the spell effect after zoning.

In the EQEMU server source from 3/5/2012, Enduring breath Spell effect appears to be "handled by client."

To Dos: Test to see if Everlasting Breath, Enduring Breath, function on the most recent build of EQEmu (3/5/2012)using Underfoot Client.

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