Ticket #72 (new Bug)

Opened 12 years ago

Acrylia Caverns missing loot and mobs

Reported by: keichii
Priority: Major Milestone:
Component: Other
Expansion: Luclin
Client: Sensitive: no


The Acrylia Caverns >> A_Spiritual_Arcanist (154153)

Drops items from Gulf of Gunthak, instead of what is reported on allakhazam.

The Acrylia Caverns >> a_smudged_grimling (154087)
The Acrylia Caverns >> a_war_painted_skullcracker (154112)
The Acrylia Caverns >> a_wormbait_minnow (154104)
are pre-revamp mobs, and have no loot, not even the watchmaker or aug drops.

Also, we seem to be missing post-revamp mobs, such as
a grimling arch sage
a grimling warlord
a grimling spiritist
a grimling bloodpriest
a grimling ritualist
Which is pretty much every non-raid loot dropping mob, aside from the High Priest.

Thread: Acrylia Caverns

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