


17:22 Ticket #122 (Droga Line of Sight / Z-axis spawn point issue) closed by skomag
Duplicate of #64
07:15 Ticket #122 (Droga Line of Sight / Z-axis spawn point issue) created by keichii
Mobs in Droga appear to spawn partially in the ground, making it so you do …


15:27 Ticket #120 (Pain and suffering) created by keichii
Bug 1: While raiding VT today, there were 2 visible, untargettable mobs …


02:55 Ticket #119 (Monk Coldain Armor Quest) created by zerth


20:06 Ticket #118 (Universal Chat Service doest work (Underfoot Client)) created by salkhan
Unable to connect to any player created channels. From forum: …
19:09 Ticket #117 (Naked after Race Change) created by nullyn
I used the Plastic Surgeon in Plane of Knowledge to race change my …
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