


10:05 Ticket #140 (Beneficial songs should not land on non-pet NPC's) created by ptarp
Observed "Spell did not take hold." message with bard singing close to NPC …


12:18 Ticket #139 (Distillate of skinspikes not working) created by zaneiel
When using this item, the buff goes on you but instantly wears off. Can …


14:28 Ticket #138 (Faelin not accepted turn in for Swiftwind ranger epic) created by oriestis
Faelin Bloodbriar spawns on the hill near Telin Darkforest in Burning …


21:04 Ticket #137 (Tash Coin Missing from Ak'anon) created by silmiril
Coin for Tashania spell quest was not at the expected location north of …
20:25 Ticket #136 (Erudin Palace Tash Coin Missing) created by silmiril
I can't seem to find the Tash coin in Erudin Palace. I have tried using …
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