Last modified 15 months ago Last modified on 4/17/2023 12:07:55 PM

Cleric 2.0 Epic

Aegis of Superior Divinity (20076)

To begin this quest you must have completed the Cleric 1.5 Epic quest.

Pre-farmable Steps

  • Step 3 - loot Engraved Signets from noc and ikaav
  • Step 9 - loot Torn Journal Page in mpg
  • Step 14 - loot Globe of Discordant Energy from Anguish

Step 1 - Ruined City of Dranik

  • Find Natvil in The Ruined City of Dranik
  • Hail Natvil to receive an emote and character flag (required first step)

Step 2 - Nedaria's Landing

  • Find Tavon Vastsea in Nedaria's Landing next to the Magus
  • Hail Tavon to receive an emote and character flag

Go to Nedaria's Landing and find Tavon Vastsea. He is next to the Magus. Hail him to receive an emote:

Step 3 - Bloodfields Loot

  • Go to Bloodfields and kill "noc" and "ikaav" named mobs until you loot all three of these items:

Step 4 - Bloodfields

  • Find Cryssa in The Bloodfields (hidden under a rock)
  • Hail to receive an emote and character flag
  • Give Cryssa all three Sections of an Engraved Signet looted in step 3 to receive Enchanted Signet of the Disciples (12080)

Step 5 - Wall of Slaughter

  • Go to Wall of Slaughter with a group
  • When zoning in (and on this step) you will see a message "The Enchanted Signet of the Disciples beings to glow."
  • Kill any mob in the northern half of the zone for a chance to spawn a Dark Disciple
  • Cleric must be nearby and in the group or raid that got credit for the kill
  • Dark Disciple in Wall of Slaughter or Dark Disciple in Wall of Slaughter or Dark Disciple in Wall of Slaughter or Dark Disciple in Wall of Slaughter
  • Kill the Dark Disciple and loot Dark Red Robe (12433) dropped (does not always drop)

Step 6 - Bloodfields

  • Return to Cryssa in The Bloodfields
  • Give Cryssa Dark Red Robe (12433) dropped to receive an emote and character flag

Step 7 - Timorous Deep

Step 8 - Skyfire Mountains

  • Locate Warder Cecilia in Skyfire Mountains
  • Give Cecilia Robe of Plasmatic Priesthood (12509) to receive an emote and character flag

Step 9 - Muramite Proving Grounds

  • Got to Muramite Proving Grounds and kill random trash and loot Torn Journal Page (56012) dropped (rare drop)

Step 10 - MPG Group Trial

  • Complete any Muramite Proving Grounds group trial and loot Journal of the Prime Disciple (56016) dropped (10 slot container) from the reward chest at the end

Step 11

  • Locate Girplan Scavenger in Muramite Provinggrounds (2 hour respawn)
    • Casts Cloud of Discord (1900 DD and 12 sec stun to anyone on NPC hatelist. Chromatic Resist)
    • Casts Cloud of Attrition (-50% spell haste, -300 attack to anyone on NPC hatelist. Use Cure Disease)
    • Casts Discordant Feedback (1000 DD and 100 mana/HP drain DoT to anyone on NPC hatelist. Use Curse Cure)
  • Kill and loot Ripped Journal Page (56011) dropped must be on this step to loot
  • Chance to spawn a chest with extra loot

Step 12 - Combine

Step 13 - Timorous Deep Raid

  • Return to Omat Vastsea in Timorous Deep with a raid force
  • Give Omat Ethereal Disciple's Journal (56013)
  • Immediately spawns Gefaari Drokaz in Timorous Deep and aggros on Cleric
    • At 90% hp changes name and starts casting 2046 Deathly Chants (PBAE, 120 DoT and -1500 to mana pool. Diseased Based Resist. Use Curse Cure)
    • At 80% hp changes to a dragon and starts casting 5762 Lava Breath (Targted AE, 2500DD + 2 slot dispel, Fire Based)
    • At 60% hp spawns two Zordak's Minions and starts casting 5554 Cloud of Discord (1900 DD and 12 sec stun to anyone on NPC hatelist. Chromatic Resist)
    • At 30% hp spawns three Zordak's Minions and starts casting 5163 Force Breath (PBAE 1000 DD + Stun, Chromatic Based) and 3070 Timeless Panic (PBAE, Fear and 1000 DD, Magic Based)
    • At 20% hp casts 4746 Protection of Discord III (melee mitigation and damage shield) and 1248 Spiritual Echo (spell reflect)
    • Zordak's Minions spawns cast 3915 Chill of Undeath (650 hp dd, 100 hp/tick, atk debuff, disease)
  • Kill and loot Soulshard of Zordak (56014)
  • Chance to spawn a chest with extra loot
  • If you fail this event, say "journal" to Omat to receive the journal to give him again to spawn the event

Step 14 - Anguish

  • Raid Anguish, the Fallen Palace and obtain a Globe of Discordant Energy (47100) dropped
  • Drops from the following events:
    • Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
    • Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
    • Arch Magus Vangl
    • Overlord Mata Muram

Step 15 - Final Turnin

  • Find Natvil in The Ruined City of Dranik
  • Give Natvil Harmony of the Soul (9955) merchant (Epic 1.5) and Globe of Discordant Energy (47100) dropped and Soulshard of Zordak (56014) to receive your Epic 2.0 Aegis of Superior Divinity (20076)

This guide was copied from and modified.

If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc.