[[PageOutline()]] = Cleric 2.0 Epic = ** [[Item(20076, Aegis of Superior Divinity)]] To begin this quest you must have completed the [[Guides/EpicCleric1.5|Cleric 1.5 Epic]] quest. == Pre-farmable Steps == * [[#Step3|Step 3]] - loot Engraved Signets from noc and ikaav * [[#Step9|Step 9]] - loot Torn Journal Page in mpg * [[#Step14|Step 14]] - loot Globe of Discordant Energy from Anguish == Step 1 - Ruined City of Dranik == #Step1 * Find [[NPC(336078, Natvil)]] * Hail Natvil to receive an emote and character flag (**required first step**) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Natvil-emote1.jpg)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Natvil-Map.jpg, width=250, height=263)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Natvil.jpg, width=138, height=263)]] == Step 2 - Nedaria's Landing == #Step2 * Find [[NPC(182143, Tavon_Vastsea)]] next to the Magus * Hail Tavon to receive an emote and character flag Go to Nedaria's Landing and find Tavon Vastsea. He is next to the Magus. Hail him to receive an emote: [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/tavon-emote1.jpg)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Tavon-Vastsea-Map.jpg, width=268, height=275)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Tavon-Vastsea.jpg, width=131, height=274)]] == Step 3 - Bloodfields Loot == #Step3 * Go to Bloodfields and kill "noc" and "ikaav" named mobs until you loot all three of these items: * [[Item(10399, Bottom Section of an Engraved Signet)]] * [[Item(10235, Center Section of an Engraved Signet)]] * [[Item(9956, Top Section of an Engraved Signet)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/a-noc-slaveguard.jpg, width=142, height=198)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/an-ikaav-loather.jpg, width=116, height=198)]] == Step 4 - Bloodfields == #Step4 * Find [[NPC(301025, Cryssa)]] (hidden under a rock) * Hail to receive an emote and character flag * Give Cryssa all three Sections of an Engraved Signet looted in step 3 to receive [[Item(12080, Enchanted Signet of the Disciples)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Cryssa-emote1.jpg)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Cryssa-Map.jpg, width=382, height=237)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Crysssa.jpg, width=77, height=236)]] == Step 5 - Wall of Slaughter == #Step5 * Go to Wall of Slaughter with a group * When zoning in (and on this step) you will see a message "The Enchanted Signet of the Disciples beings to glow." * Kill any mob in the northern half of the zone for a chance to spawn a Dark Disciple * Cleric must be nearby and in the group or raid that got credit for the kill * [[NPC(300072, dark disciple)]] or [[NPC(300073, dark disciple)]] or [[NPC(300074, dark disciple)]] or [[NPC(300080, dark disciple)]] * Kill the Dark Disciple and loot [[Item(12433, dark red robe)]] (does not always drop) == Step 6 - Bloodfields == #Step6 * Return to [[NPC(301025, Cryssa)]] * Give Cryssa [[Item(12433, dark red robe)]] to receive an emote and character flag [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Cryssa-emote2.jpg)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Cryssa-Map.jpg, width=382, height=237)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Crysssa.jpg, width=77, height=236)]] == Step 7 - Timorous Deep == #Step7 * Locate [[NPC(96033, Omat_Vastsea)]] * Give Omat [[Item(12433, dark red robe)]] to receive [[Item(12509, robe of Plasmatic Priesthood)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/timorous-deep-map-cleric-2.0.jpg, width=151, height=255)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/OmatVastsea-2.0.jpg, width=147, height=255)]] == Step 8 - Skyfire Mountains == #Step8 * Locate [[NPC(91037, #Warder_Cecilia)]] * Give Cecilia [[Item(12509, Robe of Plasmatic Priesthood)]] to receive an emote and character flag [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Warder-Cecilia-Map.png, width=252, height=246)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Warder-Cecilia.jpg, width=142, height=247)]] == Step 9 - Muramite Proving Grounds == #Step9 * Got to Muramite Proving Grounds and kill random trash and loot [[Item(56012, torn journal page)]] (rare drop) == Step 10 - MPG Group Trial == #Step10 * Complete any Muramite Proving Grounds group trial and loot [[Item(56016, Journal of the Prime Disciple)]] (10 slot container) from the reward chest at the end == Step 11 == #Step11 * Locate [[NPC(316031, Girplan_Scavenger)]] (2 hour respawn) * Casts Cloud of Discord (1900 DD and 12 sec stun to anyone on NPC hatelist. Chromatic Resist) * Casts Cloud of Attrition (-50% spell haste, -300 attack to anyone on NPC hatelist. Use Cure Disease) * Casts Discordant Feedback (1000 DD and 100 mana/HP drain DoT to anyone on NPC hatelist. Use Curse Cure) * Kill and loot [[Item(56011, ripped journal page)]] **must be on this step to loot** * Chance to spawn a chest with extra loot [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Girplan-Scavenger-Map.jpg, width=299, height=291)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Girplan-Scavenger.jpg, width=245, height=289)]] == Step 12 - Combine == #Step12 * Combine [[Item(56012, torn journal page)]] and [[Item(56011, ripped journal page)]] in container [[Item(56016, Journal of the Prime Disciple)]] to create [[Item(56013, ethereal disciple's journal)]] == Step 13 - Timorous Deep Raid == #Step13 * Return to [[NPC(96033, Omat_Vastsea)]] with a raid force * Give Omat [[Item(56013, ethereal disciple's journal)]] * Immediately spawns [[NPC(96353, #Gefaari_Drokaz)]] and aggros on Cleric * At 90% hp changes name and starts casting 2046 Deathly Chants (PBAE, 120 DoT and -1500 to mana pool. Diseased Based Resist. Use Curse Cure) * At 80% hp changes to a dragon and starts casting 5762 Lava Breath (Targted AE, 2500DD + 2 slot dispel, Fire Based) * At 60% hp spawns two Zordak's Minions and starts casting 5554 Cloud of Discord (1900 DD and 12 sec stun to anyone on NPC hatelist. Chromatic Resist) * At 30% hp spawns three Zordak's Minions and starts casting 5163 Force Breath (PBAE 1000 DD + Stun, Chromatic Based) and 3070 Timeless Panic (PBAE, Fear and 1000 DD, Magic Based) * At 20% hp casts 4746 Protection of Discord III (melee mitigation and damage shield) and 1248 Spiritual Echo (spell reflect) * Zordak's Minions spawns cast 3915 Chill of Undeath (650 hp dd, 100 hp/tick, atk debuff, disease) * Kill and loot [[Item(56014, Soulshard of Zordak)]] * Chance to spawn a chest with extra loot * If you fail this event, say "journal" to Omat to receive the journal to give him again to spawn the event [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/timorous-deep-map-cleric-2.0.jpg, width=164, height=277)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/OmatVastsea-2.0.jpg, width=99, height=172)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Gefaari-Drokaz.jpg, width=112, height=169)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Gefaari-Drokaz2.jpg, width=390, height=169)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Zordaks-Minion.jpg, width=99, height=144)]] == Step 14 - Anguish == #Step14 * Raid Anguish, the Fallen Palace and obtain a [[Item(47100, globe of discordant energy)]] * Drops from the following events: * Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last) * Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last) * Arch Magus Vangl * Overlord Mata Muram == Step 15 - Final Turnin == #Step15 * Find [[NPC(336078, Natvil)]] * Give Natvil [[Item(9955, harmony of soul)]] (Epic 1.5) and [[Item(47100, globe of discordant energy)]] and [[Item(56014, Soulshard of Zordak)]] to receive your Epic 2.0 [[Item(20076, Aegis of Superior Divinity)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Natvil-Map.jpg, width=250, height=263)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Natvil.jpg, width=138, height=263)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Aegis-of-Superior-Divinity.jpg, width=321, height=531)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Cleric_2.0_Epic/Aegis-of-Superior-Divinity-Graphic.jpg, width=269, height=530)]] // This guide was copied from eqprogression.com and modified. // If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc.