Version 13 (modified by vilebeast, 5 weeks ago) (diff)


Enchanter 1.0 Epic

Staff of the Serpent (10650)


The Enchanter Epic can be broken up into 5 main pieces. They can be collected in any order so feel free to hop around and grab items at your convenience. The 5 pieces you'll need are:

  • Jeb's Seal (10604)
  • 1st Piece of Staff (10610)
  • 2nd Piece of Staff (10611)
  • 3rd Piece of Staff (10612)
  • 4th Piece of Staff (10613)


  • Part 1 Jeb’s Seal
    • Loot Shining Metallic Robes from Yender Starpyre/the ghoul arch magus or buy it from another player
    • Buy Quill from Hanlore Escaval in South Qeynos
    • Buy Piece of Parchment from Hanlore Escaval in South Qeynos
    • Follow Quest Information below to obtain Jeb’s Seal
  • Part 2 1st Piece of Staff
    • Loot Xolion Rod from Vessel Drozlin in East Cabilis
    • Loot Innoruuk's Word from Verina Tomb in Neriak Third Gate
    • Loot Head of a Prince from Prince Selrach Di’Zok in Chardok
    • Do Quest for Snow Blossom in Oggok
    • Combine 4 items above in Enchanter's Sack to create Sack for Modani
    • Give Sack for Modani to Modani Qu`Loni in The Overthere to receive 1st Piece of Staff
  • Part 3 2nd Piece of Staff
    • Loot Spoon From Cazel in Oasis of Marr
    • Loot The One Key (ground spawn) in Overthere
    • Loot Lost Scroll (ground spawn) in Dalnir
    • Loot Charm and Sacrifice (ground spawn) in Plane of Sky Quest room
    • Combine 4 items above in Enchanter's Sack to create Sack for Mizzle.
    • Give Sack for Mizzle to Clockwork VIIX in Ak'Anon to receive 2nd Piece of Staff
  • Part 4 3rd Piece of Staff
    • Get Dull Diamond, Dull Sapphire, Dull Emerald, Dull Ruby from Nadia Starfeast in Fironia Vie
    • Give Dull Diamond to a charmed spectral librarian in Kaesora to receive Enchanted Diamond
    • Give Dull Sapphire to a charmed Felia Goldwing in Skyfire Mountains to receive Enchanted Sapphire
    • Give Dull Emerald to a charmed Impaler Tzilug in The Overthere to receive Enchanted Emerald
    • Give Dull Ruby to a charmed Wraith of Jaxion in City of Mist to receive Enchanted Ruby
    • Combine the 4x Enchanted Gems in Enchanters Sack to create Sack for Nadia
    • Give Sack for Nadia to Nadia Starfeast in Fironia Vie to receive 3rd Piece of Staff
  • Part 5 4th Piece of Staff
    • Loot Head of the Serpent from Wraith of the Shissar in Plane of Fear
    • Loot Essence of a Vampire from a forsaken revenant in Plane of Hate
    • Loot Sands of the Mystics from The Tangrin in Field of Bone
    • Loot Essence of a Ghost from the Ghost of Kindle in The Hole
    • Combine 4 items in Enchanter's Sack to create Sack for Polzin
    • Give Sack for Polzin to Polzin Mrid in The Hole to receive 4th Piece of Staff
  • Part 6 Final Combine and Turn-In
    • Combine 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Piece of Staff in Enchanters Sack to receive a Bundle of Staves
    • Give a Bundle of Staves to a sarnak imitator in Burning Woods to receive 1.0 Epic

Part 1 Jeb's Seal

Jeb's Seal (10604)

Step 1 A Qeynos Catacombs

  1. Find Reania Jukle in Qeynos Aqueduct System. The easiest way to get to her is to enter the Qeynos Catacombs from the warrior arena area in South Qeynos.
  2. Say "find your own supply" to receive Empty Ink Vial (10626).

Step 1 B Lower Guk

  1. Charm a ghoul scribe in Ruins of Old Guk.
  2. Give the scribe Empty Ink Vial (10626) to receive Ink of the Dark (10601).

Step 1 C Shining Metallic Robes

  1. Loot Shining Metallic Robes (1360) dropped from either the ghoul arch magus in Ruins of Old Guk or Yendar Starpyre in Steamfont Mountains. The ghoul arch magus is a rare spawn in Lower Guk, his PH is a kor ghoul wizard. The Robe is his rare drop. Yendar Starpyre is a roaming level 65 gnome in Steamfont Mountains. He always drops the robe. If you have a few friends to help, it's easier to kill Yendar Starpyre. The robe is tradable as well, so check the Bazaar.

Step 1 D Ak'Anon

  1. Give Shining Metallic Robes (1360) dropped to Rilgor Plegnog in Ak'Anon to receive Mechanical Pen (10600).

Step 1 E South Qeynos

  1. Purchase Quill (13051) merchant and Piece of Parchment (13063) merchant.
  2. Find Chrislin Baker in Western Plains of Karana. Chrislin is located inside a hut.
  3. Give Chrislin Quill (13051) merchant and Piece of Parchment (13063) merchant to receive Bandit Sash (12100) dropped. This sash is not used for the epic quest.
  4. Turning in the quill and parchment spawns Thrackin Griften in Western Plains of Karana across the zone.
  5. Kill Thrackin and loot White Paper (10602) dropped. He is level 55 and is fairly easy with 2 level 65 people. Melee DPS preferred.

Step 1 F Erudin

  1. Find Stofo Olan in Erudin. He is inside the Vastly Deep Inn on the 2nd floor, last door on the right.
  2. Give Stofo three items:

Step 1 G Burning Woods

  1. Find a sarnak imitator in The Burning Wood.
  2. Give the imitator Copy of Notes (10603) to receive Jeb's Seal (10604).

Part 2 1st Piece of Staff

1st Piece of Staff (10610)

Step 2 A East Cabilis

  1. Find Vessel Drozlin in Cabilis East. Drozlin is located in the sewers. In order to access the sewers, you need to run through the red glowing wall in the Shaman Guild Master area. Make sure you have levitate as well. When you get to the cross-road in the sewers with pit in the floor, take the right path and levitate across the pit.
  2. Kill Drozlin and loot Xolion Rod (10606) dropped.

Step 2 B Neriak Third Gate

  • Find Verina Tomb in Neriak Third Gate. Verina spawns in the Cleric Guild Master area in the first section of the zone.
  • Kill Verina and loot Innoruuk's Word (10607) dropped.

Step 2 C Chardok

  1. Find Prince Selrach Di`zok in Chardok. You'll need a picklock to open his door.
  2. Kill Prince and loot Head of a Prince (10627) dropped.
  3. Find Joren Nobleheart in Southern Felwithe. In the teleport pad room, take the one straight ahead.
  4. Give Joren Head of a Prince (10627) dropped to receive Chalice of Kings (10608).

Step 2 D Oggok

  1. Go to Oggok.
  2. Look for the ground spawn Large Muddy Sandals (10628).
  3. Find Bozlum Blossom in Oggok.
  4. Give Bozlum Large Muddy Sandals (10628) to receive Scribbled Parchment (10629).
  5. Find Brokk Boxtripper in Oggok, who is right next to where you just picked up the ground spawn.
  6. Give Brokk Scribbled Parchment (10629) to receive Gift to Bozlum (10630).
  7. Go back to Bozlum Blossom in Oggok.
  8. Give Bozlum Gift to Bozlum (10630) to receive Snow Blossoms (10609).

Step 2 E Overthere

  1. Find Modani Qu`Loni in The Overthere. Modani is located in an underground tunnel in the Gorge.
  2. Give Modani Jeb's Seal (10604). Modani will hand it back.
  3. Say "I need a sack" to receive Enchanters Sack (17861).
  4. Combine the following four items in Enchanters Sack (17861):
  1. Give Modani Qu`Loni in The Overthere Sack For Modani (10635) to receive 1st Piece of Staff (10610).

Part 3 2nd Piece of Staff

2nd Piece of Staff (10611)

Step 3 A Cazel

  1. Kill Cazel in Oasis of Marr. He roams all around the desert area of the zone.
  2. Loot Spoon (10614) dropped. Always Drops. Spoon is also droppable, so check the Bazaar.

Step 3 B Overthere

  1. Go to The Overthere and pick up the ground spawn The One Key (10615). You'll need levitate as it's located on a small plateu coming out of the canyon.

Step 3 C Dalnir

  1. Go to Dalnir and find the ground spawn Lost Scroll (10616). Getting there is a bit tricky if you are not familiar with the zone, you'll need to drop down a tomb and go through a fake wall.

Step 3 D Plane of Sky

  1. Head to Quest Island in Plane of Sky.
  2. In the corner of the room on a table you'll find the ground spawn Charm and Sacrifice (10617).

Step 3 E Ak'Anon

  1. Find Clockwork VIIX in Ak'Anon in the North area of the zone.
  2. Give VIIX Jeb's Seal (10604). VIIX will hand it back. Then say "I need a sack" to receive Enchanters Sack (17861).
  3. Combine the following four items in Enchanters Sack (17861):
  1. Give VIIX Sack For Mizzle (10636) to receive 2nd Piece of Staff (10611).

Part 4 3rd Piece of Staff

3rd Piece of Staff (10612)

Step 4 A Firiona Vie

  1. Find Nadia Starfeast in Firiona Vie.
  2. Give Nadia Jeb's Seal (10604). Nadia will hand it back along with Enchanters Sack (17861).
  3. Say "diamond" to receive Dull Diamond (10631).
  4. Say "sapphire" to receive Dull Sapphire (10632).
  5. Say "ruby" to receive Dull Ruby (10633).
  6. Say "emerald" to receive Dull Emerald (10634).

Step 4 B Kaesora

  1. Find spectral librarian in Kaesora. Placeholder is tortured librarian in Kaesora.
  2. Charm the librarian and give Dull Diamond (10631) to receive Enchanted Diamond (10618).

Step 4 C Skyfire

  1. Find Felia Goldenwing in Skyfire Mountains. To spawn Felia, kill a wurm spirit in Skyfire Mountains, a lava walker, a wandering wurm, a soul devourer in Skyfire Mountains - after 8ish kills (at any spawn point) there is a chance for her to spawn - if one of the other named spawns leave it up to increase chance for Felia
  2. Charm Felia and give Dull Sapphire (10632) to receive Enchanted Sapphire (10619).

Step 4 D Overthere

  1. Find Felia Goldenwing in Skyfire Mountains. He is in the canyon tunnels.
  2. Charm Tzilug and give Dull Emerald (10634) to receive Enchanted Emerald (10621).

Step 4 E City of Mist

  1. Find Wraith of Jaxion in The City of Mist. Jaxion spawns at the very end of the floating islands. You'll need a pick lock to get through some of the locked doors. Jaxion's PH circles around the building.
  2. Charm Jaxion and give Jaxion Dull Ruby (10633) to receive Enchanted Ruby (10620).

Step 4 F Fironia Vie

  1. Go back to Nadia Starfeast in Firiona Vie.
  2. Give Nadia Jeb's Seal (10604). Nadia will hand it back.
  3. Then say "I need a sack" to receive Enchanters Sack (17861).
  4. Combine the following in Enchanters Sack (17861):
  • Enchanted Emerald (10621)
  • Enchanted Ruby (10620)
  • Enchanted Sapphire (10619)
  • Enchanted Diamond (10618) to create Sack For Nadia (10637).
  1. Give Nadia Sack For Nadia (10637) to receive 3rd Piece of Staff (10612).

Part 5 4th Piece of Staff

4th Piece of Staff (10613)

Step 5 A Plane of Fear

  1. Find Wraith of a Shissar in Plane of Fear. The wraith is at the top of the large temple inside the fire ring.
  2. Kil the wraith and loot Head of the Serpent (10622) dropped.

Step 5 B Plane of Hate

  1. Kill a forsaken revenant. These mobs are spread all over the zone. Both male and females are known to drop it.
  2. Loot Essence of a Vampire (10624) dropped. Rare drop.

Step 5 C Field of Bone

  1. Find The Tangrin in Field of Bone. The Tangrin is located on an island at the north side of the zone.
  2. Kill and loot Sands of the Mystics (10625) dropped.

Step 5 D The Hole

  1. Kill the Ghost of Kindle in The Hole.
  2. Loot Essence of a Ghost (10623) dropped.

Step 5 E The Hole

  1. Find Polzin Mrid in The Hole.
  2. Give Polzin Jeb's Seal (10604). Polzin will hand it back.
  3. Say "I need a sack" to receive Enchanters Sack (17861).
  4. Combine four items in Enchanters Sack (17861):
  1. Give Polzin Sack For Polzin (10638) to receive 4th Piece of Staff (10613).
  2. Before you leave, get another Enchanters Sack (17861) from Polzin. Say "I need a sack".
  3. Combine four items in Enchanters Sack (17861):
  • 1st Piece of Staff (10610)
  • 2nd Piece of Staff (10611)
  • 3rd Piece of Staff (10612)
  • 4th Piece of Staff (10613) to create Bundle of Staves (10639).

Part 6 Final Turn In

Step 6 Final Turn In

  1. Find a sarnak imitator in The Burning Wood.
  2. Give the imitator Bundle of Staves (10639) to receive Staff of the Serpent (10650)!

This guide was copied from and modified.

If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc.