[[PageOutline()]] = Enchanter 2.0 Epic = ** [[Item(52962, Staff of Eternal Eloquence)]] To begin this quest you must have completed the [[Guides/EpicEnchanter1.5|Enchanter 1.5 Epic]] quest. == Pre-farmable Steps == * [[#Step2|Step 2]] - Loot Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant from a twisted stoneservant in Riwwi * [[#Step4|Step 4]] - Loot Volatile Vampyre Blood from a Coterie insatiate in Tenebrous Mountains * [[#Step6|Step 6]] - Buy items from merchants on Faydwer * [[#Step7|Step 7]] - Loot Harnessing Stone from Miriku the Chaotic in Kael * [[#Step10|Step 10]] - Loot Mountain Pooka Meat from a mountain pooka in Vxed * [[#Step17|Step 17]] - Loot Globe of Discordant Energy in Anguish == Step 1 - Burning Woods == #Step1 * Find [[NPC(87065, a_sarnak_imitator)]] * Hail and say "purifying" and "dwindling races" to receive a character flag (required first step) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-sarnak-imitator-map.jpg, width=255, height=241)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-sarnak-imitator.jpg, width=177, height=241)]] == Step 2 - Riwwi == #Step2 * Loot [[Item(54239, heart of a twisted stoneservant)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-twisted-stoneservant-map.jpg, width=230, height=209)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-twisted-stoneservant.jpg, width=164, height=209)]] == Step 3 - Wakening Lands == #Step3 * Find [[NPC(119178, #Alaurin)]] * Hail, say "crystal" and "deal" (optional) * Give [[Item(54239, Heart of a Twisted Stoneservant)]] to spawn [[NPC(119179, #a_luminescent_geonid)]] in the caves * Kill the geonid to loot [[Item(52949, luminescent crystal)]] * Return to Alaurin and give the crystal to receive a character flag and [[Item(52955, Purifying Crystal Fragment)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Alaurin-Map.jpg, width=213, height=169)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Alaurin.jpg, width=94, height=170)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-luminescent-geonid-map.jpg, width=317, height=187)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-luminescent-geonid.jpg, width=127, height=187)]] == Step 4 - Tenebrous Mountains == #Step4 * Kill [[NPC(172291, a coterie insatiate)]] - two hour respawn * Casts 2689 Drain Blood (Single Target Lifetap) * Casts 2727 Vampyre Invisibility (Self Invisibility Buff) * Loot [[Item(52965, Volatile Vampyre Blood)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-Coterie-insatiate-map.jpg, width=236, height=253)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-Coterie-insatiate.jpg, width=287, height=252)]] == Step 5 - Western Wastes == #Step5 * Find [[NPC(120155, #Vohnkare)]] * Hail and say "crystal" (optional) * Give [[Item(52965, Volatile Vampyre Blood)]] to receive a character flag and [[Item(52956, Purifying Crystal Fragment)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Vohnkare-Map.jpg, width=228, height=227)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Vohnkare.jpg, width=207, height=227)]] == Step 6 - Vendor Items == #Step6 Buy the following four items from NPC vendors across Faydwer (all tradeable) * [[Item(52944, Gnomish Candy)]] from Clockwork Merchant in Ak'Anon (there are four Clockwork Merchant NPCs inside the building, the one needed is outside the building as shown on the map) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-clockwork-merchant-map.jpg, width=246, height=185)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Clockwork-Merchant.jpg, width=178, height=185)]] * [[Item(52948, Koada'Dal Silk)]] from [[NPC(61044, Merchant_Tyslin)]] or [[NPC(62026, Merchant_Tyslin)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Merchant-Tyslin-Map.jpg, width=249, height=189)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Merchant-Tyslin.jpg, width=136, height=189)]] * [[Item(52940, Feir'Dal Champagne)]] from [[NPC(54145, Innkeeper_Anisyla)]] or a few others [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Innkeep-Anisyla-Map.jpg, width=251, height=162)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Innkeep-Anisyla.jpg, width=82, height=162)]] * [[Item(57921, Dwarven Steel)]] from [[NPC(60000, Gretta_Mottle)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Gretta-Mottle-Map.jpg, width=250, height=196)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Gretta-Mottle.jpg, width=121, height=195)]] == Step 7 - Kael Drakkel == #Step7 * Kill [[NPC(113561, #Miriku_the_Chaotic)]] and loot [[Item(52946, Harnessing Stone)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Miriku-the-Chaotic-Map.jpg, width=211, height=267)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Miriku-the-Chaotic.jpg, width=128, height=266)]] == Step 8 - Lesser Faydark == #Step8 * Find [[NPC(57147, #a_brownie_noble)]] * Hail and say "token" and "items" (optional) * Give the noble [[Item(52944, Gnomish Candy)]], [[Item(52948, KoadaDal Silk)]], [[Item(52940, FeirDal Champaigne)]], [[Item(57921, Dwarven Steel)]] to receive a character flag * Give the noble [[Item(52946, Harnessing Stone)]] to receive a character flag and [[Item(52957, Purifying Crystal Fragment)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-brownie-noble-map.jpg, width=262, height=198)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-brownie-noble.jpg, width=227, height=198)]] == Step 9 - Greater Faydark == #Step9 * Find [[NPC(54304, #Feyana_Lightwing)]] * '''Note that Feyana is on Fairie faction and may aggro.''' Having only 231 hp, a riposte or damage shield will easily kill her, so approach with caution or you'll have to wait for the 10 minute respawn. * Hail her and say "crystal" (optional) * Say "small favor" to receive a character flag (required step) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Feyana-Lightwing-Map.jpg, width=218, height=213)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Feyana-Lightwing.jpg, width=286, height=213)]] == Step 10 - Vxed/Tipt == #Step10 * Start a Vxed or Tipt expedition from [[NPC(283054, #Apprentice_Udranda)]] * Kill mountain pookas and loot [[Item(54240, Mountain Pooka Meat)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Apprentice-Udranda-Map.jpg, width=220, height=225)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Apprentice-Udranda.jpg, width=187, height=224)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/a-mountain-pooka.jpg, width=162, height=226)]] == Step 11 - Jaggedpine Forest == #Step11 * Find [[NPC(181071, Chef_Brargus)]] * Give Chef [[Item(54240, Mountain Pooka Meat)]] to receive a character flag and spawn [[NPC(181223, #Firwyn)]] (despawns in 20 minutes - must use another meat to spawn another) * Kill Firwyn and loot [[Item(57917, Dryad Necklace)]] * Casts 5722 Shackleroot (Single target DD And Root) * Casts 6115 Decaying Foliage (AE DD/tick, disease) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Chef-Brargus-Map.jpg, width=244, height=208)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Chef-Brargus.jpg, width=127, height=208)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Firwyn.jpg, width=95, height=207)]] == Step 12 - Greater Faydark == #Step12 * Return to [[NPC(54304, #Feyana_Lightwing)]] * Give [[Item(57917, Dryad Necklace)]] to receive a character flag and [[Item(52958, Purifying Crystal Fragment)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Feyana-Lightwing-Map.jpg, width=218, height=213)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Feyana-Lightwing.jpg, width=286, height=213)]] == Step 13 - Combines == #Step13 * Combine the four Purifying Crystal Fragment in [[Item(17764, Planar Jeweler's Kit)]] to create [[Item(52954, Purifying Crystal)]] (no fail, no min skill) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/fragment-combine.jpg)]] * Combine Purifying Crystal and [[Item(52952, Oculus of Persuasion)]] Epic 1.5 to receive a character flag and Epic 1.5 returned (**Remove augments first**) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/jc-combine2.jpg)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/jc-emote.jpg)]] == Step 14 - Wall of Slaughter == #Step14 * Kill [[NPC(300123, #Cipheron)]] and loot [[Item(57919, Tattered Incantation)]] * Casts 5604 Crushing Blow (Single DD) * Casts 5730 Aftershock (Hatelist DD and Feign Death) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Cipheron-Map.jpg, width=242, height=221)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Cipheron.jpg, width=215, height=221)]] == Step 15 - Nobles' Causeway == #Step15 * Kill [[NPC(303078, #Withering_Murkglider)]] and loot [[Item(52951, Noxious Secretion)]] * Casts 5692 Withering Heat (Single DD and decrease endurance) * Spawns waves of [[NPC(303157, a_parasitic_murkglider)]] every 20% hp - 15 total - Casts 2321 Energy Burst on death (PBAE 4k DD, 87 range) * Locks hp at 10% until all parasitics are dead [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Withering-Murkglider-Map.jpg, width=247, height=257)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Withering-Murkglider.jpg)]] == Step 16 - Nedaria's Landing == #Step16 * Find [[NPC(182149, #Priestess_Rakhu)]] * Hail (optional) * Give her [[Item(52951, Noxious Secretion)]] and [[Item(57919, Tattered Incantation)]] to receive a character flag and [[Item(57920, Channeling Crystal)]] (container) [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Priestess-Rakhu-Map.jpg, width=271, height=267)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Priestess-Rakhu.jpg, width=176, height=266)]] == Step 17 - Anguish == #Step17 * Raid Anguish, the Fallen Palace and obtain a [[Item(47100, globe of discordant energy)]] * Drops from the following events: * Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last) * Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last) * Arch Magus Vangl * Overlord Mata Muram == Step 18 - Combine == #Step18 * Combine [[Item(52952, Oculus of Persuasion)]] (epic 1.5) and [[Item(47100, globe of discordant energy)]] in [[Item(57920, Channeling Crystal)]] to receive your epic 2.0 [[Item(52962, Staff of Eternal Eloquence)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/final-combine.jpg)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Enchanter-2.0-Stats.jpg, width=347, height=554)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Enchanter_2.0_Epic/Enchanter-2.0-Graphic.jpg, width=377, height=554)]] // This guide was copied from eqprogression.com and modified. // If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc.