Version 7 (modified by skomag, 2 years ago) (diff)


Magician 1.0 Epic

Orb of Mastery (28034)


Donors Only - If you use Miragul's spirit in Thundercrest Isle and then go to East Freeport, you can speak with Translocator Setikan at the docks to access Ocean of Tears.

This quest doesn't have much dialogue. You mostly just farm items from different zones and turn them in. You can get the items in any order, just make sure you turn in the correct ones together. It's easiest to follow the checklist.


  • Power of the Elements
    • Power of Wind - Castle Mistmoore - a gypsy dancer
    • Power of Fire - Solusek's Eye (SolA) - blazing or lava elemental
    • Power of Earth - Lesser Faydark - fairies
    • Power of Water - Kaesora - ravenar mobs
    • Turn in Power of Wind, Power of Fire, Power of Earth, Power of Water to Walnan in Butcherblock to receive Power of the Elements
  • Words of Mastery
    • Torn Page of Mastery Earth - Najena - "magician dark elf" mobs
    • Torn Page of Mastery Water - Najena - "magician dark elf" mobs
    • Torn Page of Mastery Wind - Najena - "magician dark elf" mobs
    • Torn Page of Mastery Fire - Najena - "magician dark elf" mobs
    • Give the four Torn Pages of Mastery to Akkstaff in Najena to receive Words of Mastery
  • Words of Magi'Kot
    • Torn Page of Magi'kot pg. 1 - Kithicor Forest - wolf type mobs at night
    • Torn Page of Magi'kot pg. 2 - Estate of Unrest - a tentcle terror or a dark terror
    • Torn Page of Magi'kot pg. 3 - Lower Guk - a bloodthirsty ghoul
    • Give Jahsohn Aksot in Commonlands the three Torn Pages of Magi'kot to receive Words of Magi'Kot
  • Power of the Orb
    • Give the quest rewards from Part 1-3 (Power of the Elements, Words of Mastery, Words of Magi'Kot) to Rykas in Lake Rathetear to receive Power of the Orb.
  • Element of Fire
    • Burning Embers - Burning Woods - Nezekezena, Phurzikon, or Gylton
    • Blazing Wand - Kedge Keep - Undertow
    • Torch of the Elements - City of Mist - Neh'Ashirr
    • Give Burning Embers, Blazing Wand, Torch of the Elements, Power of the Orb (quested in previous step) to Jennus Lyklobar in Skyfire Mountains to receive Element of Fire.
  • Element of Wind
    • Crown of Elemental Mastery (tradable) - Plane of Sky - Island 7 - Trash mobs
    • Pegasus Feather Cloak - South Karana - Quillmane
    • Elemental Binder (tradable) - The Hole - elemental type mobs
    • Give Crown of Elemental Mastery, Pegasus Feather Cloak, Elemental Binder to Kihun Solstin on the Plane of Sky Quest Island to receive Element of Wind.
  • Element of Earth
    • Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth - Plane of Hate - Magi P'Tasa or a forsaken revenant (male gender)
    • Dirt of Underfoot - Burning Woods - Slixin Klex
    • Shovel of Ponz - Temple of Solusek Ro - Quest from Vira
      • Gargoyle Eye - Castle Mistmoore - Gargoyles
      • Hill Giant Toes - Rathe Mountains - Hill Giants
      • Ruby - Various Jewelcrafting Vendors
      • Shovel - Najena - Magician Mobs
    • Broom of Trilion - Temple of Solusek Ro - Quest from Vira
      • Cyclops Toes - Ocean of Tears - Cyclops Mobs
      • Griffin Feathers - North Karana - Griffon Mobs
      • Star Ruby - Various Jewelcrafting Vendors
      • Broom - Najena - Magician Mobs
    • Give Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth, Dirt of Underfoot, Shovel of Ponz, and Broom of Trilon to Tiblner Milnik in Firiona Vie to receive Element of Earth.
  • Element of Water
    • Rain of Karana - East Karana - Tarbul Earthstrider
    • Staff of Elemental Mastery: Water - Kedge Keep - Phinigel Autropos
    • Tears of Erollisi - The Overthere - Captain Rottgrime
    • Give Rain of Karana, Staff of Elemental Mastery: Water, and Tears of Erollisi to Jinalis Andir in Dagnor's Cauldron to receive Element of Water.
  • Final Turn-In
    • Give Element of Fire, Element of Wind, Element of Earth, Element of Water to Master of Elements in Plane of Sky Quest Room to receive your 1.0 Epic Spell: Summon Orb

Part 1 Power of the Elements

Power of the Elements (28031)

Step 1 A Power of Wind

  1. Find a gypsy dancer in Castle Mistmoore. The dancer spawns inside the castle ballroom within the blue circle. Place holder is a gypsy musician.
  2. Kill gypsy dancer and loot Power of Wind (28037) dropped.

Step 1 B Power of Fire

  1. Loot Power of Fire (28036) dropped. Drops from blazing elemental or lava elemental in Solusek's Eye (SolA). The left blue circle is the best place to farm the Power of Fire. At this spot two elementals spawn in a small tunnel and both have a chance at the drop. It is uncommon to rare at either camp. Expect to spend some time here in most cases.

Step 1 C Power of Earth

  1. Loot Power of Earth (28038) dropped. Drops from a fairy guard or faerie guard in Lesser Faydark. Drop is uncommon.

Step 1 D Power of Water

  1. Loot Power of Water (28039) dropped. Drops from mobs with ravener in their name in Kaesora. These spawn on the far east side of the zone.

Step 1 E Turn In

  1. Find Walnan in Butcherblock Mountains. Walnan roams in the NW area of the map.
  2. Give Walnan the following power items:

Part 2 Words of Mastery

Words of Mastery (28004)

Step 2

  1. Go to Najena.
  2. Loot the following items from various npcs in the zone. All 4 of these pages drop from a magician or a goblin magician in Najena. Red Circles indicate magician spawn points. The pages are very rare so expect to spend a lot of time here.
  1. Find Akksstaff in Najena. Yellow is Akksstaff's spawn point.
  2. Give Akksstaff the four Torn Pages to receive Words of Mastery (28004).

Part 3 Words of Magi'Kot

Words of Magi`kot (28003)

Step 3 A Page 1

  1. Loot Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 1 (28000) dropped from enraged dread wolf in Kithicor Woods. These spawn at night time. You'll find them between the Commmonlands and Rivervale. Common Drop.

Step 3 B Page 2

  1. Loot Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 2 (28001) dropped. Drops from a tentacle terror or a dark terror in Estate of Unrest. These spawn at the lowest point in the zone. You can get there by going through the fake bookcase inside the castle and traveling to the bottom. Common Drop.

Step 3 C Page 3

  1. Loot Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 3 (28002) dropped. Drops from a bloodthirsty ghoul in Lower Guk. a bloodthirsty ghoul spawns at the frenzied ghoul camp on the undead side of the zone. Common Drop.

Step 3 D Turn In

  1. Find Jahsohn Aksot in West Commonlands.
  2. Turn in the three torn pages of magi'kot to receive Words of Magi`kot (28003).

Part 4 Power of the Orb

Power of the Orb (18958)

Step 4 Power of the Orb

  1. Find Rykas in Lake Rathetear.
  2. Give Rykas the items from parts one ot three above:
  • Power of the Elements (28031)
  • Words of Mastery (28004)
  • Words of Magi`kot (28003) to receive Power of the Orb (18958).

Part 5 Element of Fire

Element of Fire (28009)

Step 5 A Burning Woods

  1. Loot Burning Embers (28008) dropped. Drops from Nezekezena in The Burning Wood, Phurzikon in The Burning Wood, or Gylton in The Burning Wood. I would ignore trying to spawn Gylton and go after the other two. You will want to kill trash in the zone until a mob spawns at either of these locations (good to have someone standing at these locs to watch). If you have multiple people or boxes, you can actually camp both spawns at once. The respawn timer is somewhere between 1-2 minutes. Once you have the correct PH's, you can kill them to chain spawn the named wurms. Burning Embers is an uncommon to rare drop.

Step 5 B Undertow

  1. Find Undertow in Kedge Keep. Long respawn with a low spawn chance. Undertow spawns at the very top of an alcove at the most northern point in the zone.
  2. Kill Undertow and loot Blazing Wand (10376) dropped.

Step 5 C Nek'Ashiir

  1. Spawn Neh`Ashiir in The City of Mist by killing a black reaver in The City of Mist. Neh'Ashiir is located at the last building area up on the floating platforms (near Wraith of Jaxion). It's easiest to have a pick lock class with you to get you up there quickly. Chance to spawn Neh'Ashiir or another black reaver.
  2. Kill Neh'Ashiir and loot Torch of the Elements (28007) dropped.

Step 5 D Turn In

  1. Return to Jennus Lyklobar in Skyfire Mountains. Jennus is a roaming gnome in Skyfire. Jennus is usually roaming around the big lava lake somewhere.
  2. Give Jennus four items:

Part 6 Element of Wind

Element of Wind (28033)

Step 6 A Plane of Sky

  1. Go to Plane of Sky on the 7th Island.
  2. Loot Crown of Elemental Mastery (20764) dropped (tradable). Drops from various mobs on the 7th island in Plane of Sky. It can drop off of any mob on the island. Sphinx mobs death touch, and drakes gravity flux. Rare Drop.

Step 6 B Quillmane

  1. Find Quillmane in Southern Plains of Karana. Quillmane is a rare spawn with a placeholder of an elephant calf.
  2. Kill Quillmane and loot Pegasus Feather Cloak (2463) dropped.

Step 6 C The Hole

  1. Loot Elemental Binder (28043) dropped (tradable) - Drops from elementals type mobs in The Hole. Common drop.

Step 6 D Turn In

  1. Find Kihun Solstin in Plane of Air. Kihun can be found on the quest island.
  2. Give Kihun these items:

Part 7 Element of Earth

Element of Earth (28032)

Step 7 A Plane of Hate

  1. Loot Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth (11567) dropped. Drops from Magi P`Tasa in The Plane of Hate, Innoruuk in Plane of Hate, or forsaken revenants in Plane of Hate. Uncommon to rare drop.

Step 7 B Slixin

  1. Loot Dirt of Underfoot (28042) dropped from Slixin Klex in The Burning Wood.

Step 7 B Shovel

  1. Loot Gargoyle Eye (10014) dropped from Gargoyles in Castle Mistmoore, Skyshrine, or Lower Guk . Common Drop. Also can buy on the bazaar.
  2. Loot Hill Giant Toes (16539) dropped from giants in Rathe Mountains, Frontier Mountains, or Dreadlands. Common Drop. Also can buy on the bazaar.
  3. Obtain Ruby (10035) dropped merchant. Bought off various Jewelcrafting merchants.
  4. Loot Shovel (16545) dropped - Dropped off magicians in Najena. Rare drop.
  5. Find [NPC(80015, Vira)]]. To get to Vira, hug left from the zone in. Go up stairs and you'll eventually see Vira.
  6. Give Vira the four items:

Step 7 C Broom

  1. Loot Cyclops Toes (16543) dropped from cyclops in Ocean of Tears, Rathe Mountains, or South Karana. Common Drop. Also can buy on the bazaar.
  2. Loot Griffon Feathers (16538) dropped from griffons in North Karana East Karana, or Jaggedpine Forest. Common Drop. Also can buy on the bazaar.
  3. Obtain Star Ruby (10032) dropped merchant. Bought off various Jewelcrafting merchants. Can also find this on just about any merchant from items players have sold.
  4. Loot Broom (16544) dropped from magicians in Najena. Rare drop.
  5. Find [NPC(80015, Vira)]]. To get to Vira, hug left from the zone in. Go up stairs and you'll eventually see Vira.
  6. Give Vira the four items:

Step 7 D Turn In

  1. Find Tiblner Milnik in Firiona Vie. Tiblner roams on the south side of the zone.
  2. Give Tiblner the following items:

Part 8 Element of Water =

Element of Water (28006)

Step 8 A Rain of Karana

  1. Find Tarbul Earthstrider in Eastern Plains of Karana. Tarbul spawns on "spider hill". PH is a rogue lion.
  2. Kill Tarbul and loot Rain of Karana (28041) dropped.

Step 8 B Phinigel Autropos

  1. Find Phinigel Autropos in Kedge Keep. 12 hour respawn.
  2. Kill Phinigel and loot Staff of Elemental Mastery: Water (11569) dropped.

Step 8 C Overthere

  1. Find Captain Rottgrime in The Overthere. Rottgrime spawns in the evil town. Has several guards that will assist. Always drops. Recommended to have a couple people or some form of CC if you are not geared.
  2. Kill Rottgrime and loot Tears of Erollisi (28040) dropped.

Step 8 D Turn In

  1. Return to Jinalis Andir in Dagnor's Cauldron.
  2. Give Jinalis the following items:

Part 9 Final Turn-in

Step 9

  1. Find Master of Elements in Plane of Air. Master of Elements is a giant air elemental that spawns on Quest Island. If he is not up, you can say "I want to see the master" to Kihun Solstin in Plane of Air to spawn the master.
  2. Give Master the following items:
  • Element of Fire (28009)
  • Element of Wind (28033)
  • Element of Earth (28032)
  • Element of Water (28006) to receive your 1.0 Epic Spell: Summon Orb (19436)!

This is a spell that summons Orb of Mastery (28034). The Orb of Mastery can be clicked to summon the pet ERROR invalid NPC id 598.

This guide was copied from and modified.

If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc.