Version 4 (modified by skomag, 2 years ago) (diff)


Monk 1.0 Epic

Celestial Fists (10652)


This guide is broken up into 4 sections:

  • Robe of the Whistling Fists (12970)
  • Demon Fangs (1688) dropped
  • Celestial Fists (1683) Book Graphic
  • Celestial Fists (10652) Final Turn In

Pre-Farm List

  • Robe of the Lost Circle - Drops from Brother Zephyl (Rathe Mountains) or Brother Qwinn (South Karana)
  • Metal Pipe (Fi)- Drops from an iksar betrayer in Chardok
  • Metal Pipe (Zan) - Drops from a drolvarg pawbuster in Karnor's Castle
  • Charred Scale - Drops from Eejag in Lavastorm Mountains
  • Immortals - Drops from named in Skyfire

Part 1 Robe of the Whistling Fists

Robe of the Whistling Fists (12970)

Step 1 A Metal Pipe Zan

  1. Find a drolvarg pawbuster in Karnor's Castle. Placeholder is a drolvarg bodyguard. -590x 105y.
  2. Kill the pawbuster and loot Metal Pipe (12979) dropped Zan.

Step 1 B Metal Pipe Fi

  1. Find an iksar betrayer in Chardok. Placeholder is a Di'zok Legionnaire. -26x -325y.
  2. Kill the betrayer and loot Metal Pipe (12980) dropped Fi.

Step 1 C Robe of the Lost Circle

Robe of the Lost Circle (12256) dropped

Option 1 Tailoring

  1. Craft the robe with Tailoring recipe. The steps to obtain the recipe items are not oulined because Option 2 is much easier. TODO outline recipe

Option 2 Kill Brothers

  1. Loot Robe of the Lost Circle (12256) dropped from either Brother Zephyl in Rathe Mountains or Brother Qwinn in Southern Plains of Karana. This is the bottleneck of the quest.

Step 1 D Turn In

  1. Find Brother Balatin in Dreadlands. Place holder plaguebone skeleton. KOS. Recommend to have someone charm Balatin.
  2. Give Balatin the three items from above:

to receive Robe of the Whistling Fists (12970).

Part 2 Demon Fangs

Demon Fangs (1688) dropped

Step 2 A Lavastorm

  1. Find a fire sprite in Lavastorm Mountains. 332x 901y
  2. Say "I challenge eejag" to spawn Eejag in Lavastorm Mountains.
  3. Kill Eejag and loot Charred Scale (1684) dropped.

Step 2 B Plane of Sky

  1. Find a presence in Plane of Air. It is invisible and located on island 1.5 which needs Key of Swords to access. You can buy Key of Swords from the Key Master on Island 1.
  2. Give the presence Charred Scale (1684) dropped. The presence will despawn and spawn Gwan in Plane of Air.
  3. Kill Gwan and loot Breath of Gwan (1685) dropped.

Step 2 C Nurga

  1. Find a sleeping ogre in Mines of Nurga.
  2. Give the ogre Breath of Gwan (1685) dropped. The ogre will despawn and spawn Trunt in Mines of Nurga.
  3. Kill Trunt and loot Trunt's Head (1686) dropped.

Step 2 D Overthere

  1. Find Astral Projection in The Overthere.
  2. Give the projection Trunt's Head (1686) dropped to receive Eye of Kaiaren (1687).

Step 2 E Lake of Ill Omen

  1. Find Astral Projection in Lake of Ill Omen on the platform in the middle of the Lake. Make sure you have levitate so you can get up on the platform.
  2. Give the projection Eye of Kaiaren (1687) to spawn Vorash in Lake of Ill Omen and Deep in Lake of Ill Omen.
  3. When Vorash dies, Xenevorash in Lake of Ill Omen spawns.
  4. Kill Xenevorash and loot ERROR invalid NPC id 1688.

Part 3 Celstial Fists Book

Celestial Fists (1683) Book Graphic

Step 3 A Skyfire

  1. Loot Immortals (18195) dropped in Skyfire. Drops from multiple mobs, named have increased chance.

Step 3 B Erudin

  1. Find Tomekeeper Danl in Erudin. He is on the second floor of the library.
  2. Give Danl Immortals (18195) dropped to receive Danl's Reference (1682).

Step 3 C Timorous

  1. Find Lheao in Timorous Deep.
  2. Give Lheao Danl's Reference (1682) and Robe of the Whistling Fists (12970) to receive Celestial Fists (1683) Book Graphic.

Part 4 Final Turn In

Step 4 A Trakanons Teeth

  1. Find Kaiaren in Trakanon's Teeth. There are two versions of Kaiaren, "crazy" and "sane". You are first looking for the "crazy" version, who hangs out on the southeast side of the zone near Old Sebilis.

Step 4 B Spawn Kaiaren

  1. Give Kaiaren Celestial Fists (1683) Book Graphic. Kaiaren returns the book, spawns Kaiaren in Trakanon's Teeth and attacks. Killing this version of Kaiaren is optional.

Step 4 C Final Turn In

  1. Find Kaiaren in Trakanon's Teeth the spawned version at 2470x 306y in a small hut.
  2. Give the spawned Kaiaren Celestial Fists (1683) Book Graphic to receive Book of Celestial Fists (1689).
  3. Give the spawned Kaiaren Book of Celestial Fists (1689) and Demon Fangs (1688) dropped to receive epic Celestial Fists (10652)!

This guide was copied from and modified.

If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc.