[[PageOutline()]] = Necromancer 2.0 Epic = ** [[Item(64067, Deathwhisper)]] To begin this quest you must have completed the [[Guides/EpicNecromancer1.5|Necromancer 1.5 Epic]] quest. **This quest is not yet implemented on EQTitan.** {{{#!comment **WARNING: This guide has not been edited and reviewed for EQTitan servers. There may be differences in game.** Pre-Farmable Steps: [[#Step3|Step 3]] - Loot Globe of Discordant Energy from Anguish == Step 1 == #Step1 Go to Natimbi, The Broken Shores and locate Whiahdi (+400, -930). Say "locate the paladin" to receive emote: [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Whiahdi-emote1.jpg)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Whiahdi-Map.jpg, width=323, height=300)]][[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Whiahdi.jpg, width=121, height=301)]] == Step 2 == #Step2 Go to The Ruined City of Dranik with a raid and locate Discord Fluctuation. This mob is invisible so you'll only see its nameplate. Say "sanait sanaiij tsulum" to it. Doing so will spawn 3 raid mobs right on top of you: Gronogg the Awful Arlagai the Defiler Rargari the Destroyer Gronogg the Awful casts Ethereal Stun (Single Target, 1 second stun + 200 hate deaggro. Magic Based) Arlagai the Defiler AE Rampages Rargari the Destroyer casts Dark Infero (PBAE 2000 DD, 300 HP DoT, Fire Based) Gronogg the Awful and Arlagai the Defiler drop the pieces you'll need for Epic. Rargari the Destroyer doesn't need to be killed for purposes of the Epic. Loot [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Staff-Pieces.jpg, width=28, height=22)]] Staff Piece Number Two and [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Staff-Pieces.jpg, width=28, height=22)]] Staff Piece Number Three. [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Discord-Fluctuation-Map.jpg, width=207, height=252)]][[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Discord-Fluctuation.jpg, width=238, height=252)]][[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/fight1.jpg, width=329, height=181)]] == Step 3 == #Step3 Raid Anguish and obtain a [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Globe-of-Discordant-Energy.jpg, width=22, height=17)]] Globe of Discordant Energy. Drops from the following events: Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last) Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last) Arch Magus Vangl Overlord Mata Muram == Step 4 == #Step4 Go back to Natimbi, The Broken Shores and locate Whiahdi (+400, -930). Give her: [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Staff-Pieces.jpg, width=28, height=22)]] Staff Piece Number Two [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Staff-Pieces.jpg, width=28, height=22)]] Staff Piece Number Three [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Globe-of-Discordant-Energy.jpg, width=26, height=20)]] Globe of Discordant Energy [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_1.5_Epic/Necromancer-1.5-Logo.jpg, width=26, height=26)]] 1.5 Epic: Soulwhisper to receive your [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_1.5_Epic/Necromancer-1.5-Logo.jpg, width=26, height=26)]] 2.0 Epic: Deathwhisper! [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Whiahdi-Map.jpg, width=323, height=300)]][[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Whiahdi.jpg, width=121, height=301)]] [[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Necro-2.0-Stats.jpg, width=387, height=609)]][[Image(http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Necromancer_2.0_Epic/Necromancer-2.0-Graphic.jpg, width=414, height=526)]] // This guide was copied from eqprogression.com and modified. // If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc. }}}