Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of Guides/EpicRogue1.5

8/26/2024 7:19:23 AM (5 weeks ago)



  • Guides/EpicRogue1.5

    v21 v22  
    29292. Tell Vorla "where do I come in" to receive [[Item(52009, occluded sun pendant)]] 
    3030 * Optional: "craft another blade" 
     32 '''Future steps require [[Item(52009, occluded sun pendant)]] to be in your inventory''' 
    3234[[Image(, width=260, height=239)]] 
    8789* Ideally in the future a better EQTitan website tool will be developed to help view complex recipe combines 
    89 == Step 4 == #Step4 
    91 Go to The Overthere and find Inem R'ker (+2860, +2150). Say "The sun is setting on the horizon" and follow the dialogue. Say "tune" to receive [[Image(, width=29, height=31)]] Notice to Cease and Desist. 
     91== Step 4 Overthere == #Step4 
     931. Find [[NPC(93301, inem r'ker)]] 
     94 * Optional: hail, "the sun is setting on the horizon", "teir dal", "another problem" 
     952. Say to Inem "change their tune" to receive [[Item(9590, notice of cease and desist)]] 
     96 * Say to Inem "change their tune" at any point to receive another notice if lost 
    9398[[Image(, width=285, height=230)]] 
    9499[[Image(, width=93, height=228)]] 
    96 == Step 5 == #Step5 
    98 Go to Abysmal Sea and and find Galdorin Visigothe (-165, +220). Give him [[Image(, width=29, height=31)]] Notice to Cease and Desist.  
    99 He will say something about meeting him in Nedarias. Go there, and hand him the Notice again. 
    100 He will attack. Kill him and loot [[Image(, width=29, height=31)]] Signed Agreement. He hits for around 800, chants AE Silence (move a cleric out of range) and AE charms a bunch. 
     101== Step 5 Abysmal == #Step5 
     1031. Find [[NPC(279002, Galdorin_Visigothe)]] 
     1042. Give Galdorin [[Item(9590, notice of cease and desist)]] to get the notice back and receive a character flag 
     1053. Find [[NPC(279002, Galdorin_Visigothe, Nedaria's Landing)]] 
     106 * bring a group or small raid 
     107 * npc spawns when a Rogue on this step enters the zone at -400 x, -1550 y 
     108 * no respawn or cooldown but another rogue on step must re-enter the zone to spawn Galdorin again 
     109 * Optional: hail 
     1104. Give Galdorin (in Nedaria) [[Item(9590, notice of cease and desist)]] - he can now be attacked and may auto aggro on the rogue 
     1115. Kill Galdorin and loot [[10243, Signed Agreement]] 
     112 * Hits for ~800 
     113 * Casts Galdorin's Alluring Lullaby (5600) single target mez  
     114 * Casts Canticle of Captivation (5601) single target charm 
     115 * Casts Deafening Tritone (5602) single target silence and 1500 dd 
    102117[[Image(, width=235, height=228)]] 
    103118[[Image(, width=154, height=228)]] 
    105 == Step 6 == #Step6 
    107 Go back to The Overthere and find Inem R'ker (+2860, +2150) again. Give him [[Image(, width=29, height=31)]] Signed Agreement. Say "tune" to get another [[Image(, width=29, height=31)]] Notice to Cease and Desist. 
     120== Step 6 Overthere == #Step6 
     1221. Return to [[NPC(93301, inem r'ker)]] 
     1232. Give Inem [[10243, Signed Agreement]] to receive a character flag and another [[Item(9590, notice of cease and desist)]] 
    109125[[Image(, width=285, height=230)]] 
    110126[[Image(, width=93, height=228)]] 
    112 == Step 7 == #Step7 
    114 Go to Greater Faydark near the Wizard Spires. You'll see two Bards: Stefan Marsinger and Seana Marsinger (-1900, -480). Kill Seana first. Seana will put a Port Stone on your cursor, destroy it ASAP or risk getting ported out of the zone. Stefan casts root and will run around. Each will drop a torn[[Image(, width=22, height=28)]] [[Image(, width=18, height=27)]] Signed Agreement. Loot both. Take 3 groups in era to be safe. 
    116 Make a hotkey with the following line to easily delete all spire stones 
    117 * `/noparse /bcaa //if (${Cursor.ID}==3574) /destroy` 
     128== Step 7 Greater Faydark == #Step7 
     1301. Go to Greater Faydark near the Wizard Spire to find two bards 
     131 * Bring a few groups or raid 
     132 * [[NPC(54102, Seana_Marsinger)]] 
     133  * Max hit ~700 
     134  * Casts Dissonant Screech (5603) single 1500 dd and 750 dot 
     135 * [[NPC(54101, Stefan_Marsinger)]] 
     136  * Max hit ~700 
     137  * Casts Dissonant Screech (5603) single 1500 dd and 750 dot 
     138  * Casts Shackleroot (5722) single 500 dd and root 
     139 * Two hour respawn on event fail or success 
     1402. Give Seana [[Item(9590, notice of cease and desist)]] 
     141 * A few seconds after giving the notice, Seana and Stefan will become killable and attack the rogue 
     142 * Every 15 to 20 seconds Seana places a [[Item(19720, nexus stone)]] on her target's cursor 
     143 * Five seconds later if the player still has the Nexus Stone, everyone will be ported to the Nexus 
     144 * If using Macroquest and eqbc plugin and server create the following hotkey to destroy a Nexus Stone on anyone's cursor (use /e3bcaa with e3next) 
     145  * `/noparse /bcaa //if (${Cursor.ID}==19720) /destroy` 
     1463. Kill Seana (first) and Stefan and loot [[Item(10239, Signed Agreement)]] and [[Item(52416, Signed Agreement)]] 
    119148[[Image(, width=239, height=244)]]