Version 31 (modified by sorkail, 5 weeks ago) (diff)


Rogue 1.5 Epic

You must have completed the Rogue 1.0 Epic to begin this quest. The 1.0 bypass aka 1.5 prequest is not available on EQTitan server.

Pre-Farm List

  • Step 3 Tradeskills - can level up tradeskills and do the combines but cannot turn in before completing Step 2

Step 1 Stanos

This step is required

  1. Find Anson McBale in highpass, kithicor or highpasshold (highpass not available with some clients)
  2. Say "I need to see Stanos" with a Rogue to spawn Stanos Herkanor in Highpass Hold nearby
  3. Hail Stanos to receive a character flag
  4. Hail Stanos again to receive another character flag

Step 2 Firion Vie

  1. Find Vorla Diensk in Firiona Vie -3310x, -430y
    • Optional: hail, "the sun is setting on the horizon", "how did you deduce this information",
  2. Tell Vorla "where do I come in" to receive Occluded Sun Pendant (52009)
    • Optional: "craft another blade"

Future steps require Occluded Sun Pendant (52009) to be in your inventory

Step 3 Tradeskills

  • This step involves a substantial amount of tradeskill leveling and combining
  • Five sub quests must be completed with Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Poisonmaking, Tailoring
  • One sub quest can be skipped with 15,000 plat and a rogue race illusion mask - see Step 3 Skip
  • See the chart below for the tradeskill, recommended level, final crafted item, mask required to skip and npc involved
  • Completing (or skipping) each sub quest will give a character flag - all five must be obtained before continuing to Step 4

To turn in the final combine item you must have Occluded Sun Pendant (52009) from Step 2 in your inventory or bank

Step 3 Chart

Tradeskill Rec Item Recipe Race Mask NPC
Baking (Min 120) 192 King's Feast (9491) recipe Vah Shir Guise of the Hunter (26502) dropped Master Taruun Rakutah in The City of Shar Vahl
Blacksmithing 104 Satchel of Smithed Relics (9813) recipe Dwarf Besmirched Mask of Conception (29481) dropped Diggins in North Kaladim
Brewing 121 Jumjum Twist (9475) recipe Halfling Desiccated Halfling Mask (5796) dropped Lendel Deeppockets in Rivervale
Poisonmaking 277 Satchel of Poisons (9810) recipe Human Circlet of Disguise (26759) dropped Arly Golyeck in The Paludal Caverns
Tailoring 82 Satchel of Deceiver's Garb (9807) recipe Barbarian Flayed Barbarian Hide Mask (25213) dropped Elyn Connoy in Halas

Step 3 Skip One Skill

  • One and only one sub quest (tradeskill) can be skipped
  • Recommended to skip Baking (because of the number of sub combines) or Tailoring (because of the high quality pelts)
  • To skip one sub quest:
    • No other sub quest has been skipped
    • Complete Step 1 for character flag
    • Find the npc from the chart above
    • Equip the illusion mask
    • Click the mask for the illusion buff (no other buffs work - such as the enchanter project illusion)
    • Give the npc Pouch of Gems (52353) merchant purchased from a shady Highpass citizen in Highpass Hold for around 15,000 plat

Step 3 Skillup Guides

Refer to the following guides to help level tradeskills - note that they are not all 100% accurate to the server, check (login as guest) to verify recipes

Step 3 Combines

  • Some final combines require Collection Satchel (8775) which can be aquired by saying "small job" to blacksmithing, tailoring or poison making npc from the chart above
  • Click the "recipe" link in the chart above for the items in the final combine of each sub quest
  • Ideally in the future a better EQTitan website tool will be developed to help view complex recipe combines
  • This EQ Progressions guide has screenshots of the npc locations as well as a list of all the sub combines:

Step 3 Turn Ins

  • Occluded Sun Pendant (52009) must be in your inventory for these steps
  • Turning in the final combined item to the appropriate npc will give a character flag message:
    • "You have coerced _ into revealing his secret."

Step 3 Baking

  1. Find Master Taruun Rakutah in The City of Shar Vahl
    • Optional: hail
    • Optional: "small task" to receive King's Feast Request (52334)
      • King's Feast Request is not used in quest and can be destroyed
  2. Give Taruun King's Feast (9491) to receive a character flag

Step 3 Blacksmithing

  1. Find Diggins in North Kaladim
    • Optional: hail
  2. Tell Diggins "small job" to receive Collection Satchel (8775) and Test of Smithing (52331)
    • Test of Smithing is not used in quest and can be destroyed
  3. Give Diggins Satchel of Smithed Relics (9813) to receive a character flag

Step 3 Brewing

  1. (Optional) Find Lendel Deeppockets in Rivervale
    • Optional: hail
    • Optional: "small job" to receive Jumjum Twist Recipe (52333)
      • The recipe is not used in quest and can be destroyed
  2. Find Mayor Gubbin in Rivervale
  3. Give Gubbin Jumjum Twist (9475) to receive Gubbin's Approval Letter (13588)
  4. Return to Lendel Deeppockets in Rivervale
  5. Give Lendel Gubbin's Approval Letter (13588) to receive a character flag

Step 3 Poisonmaking

  1. Find Arly Golyeck in The Paludal Caverns
    • Optional: hail
  2. Tell Arly "small job" to receive Collection Satchel (8775) and List of Required Toxins (52332)
    • The list is not used in quest and can be destroyed
  3. Give Arly Satchel of Poisons (9810) to receive a character flag

Step 3 Tailoring

  1. Find Elyn Connoy in Halas
    • Optional: hail
  2. Tell Elyn "small job" to receive Collection Satchel (8775) and Deceiver's Garb Instructions (52330)
    • The instructions are not used in quest and can be destroyed
  3. Give Elyn Satchel of Deceiver's Garb (9807) to receive a character flag

Step 4 Overthere

  1. Find Inem R`ker in The Overthere
    • Optional: hail, "the sun is setting on the horizon", "teir dal", "another problem"
  2. Say to Inem "change their tune" to receive Notice to Cease and Desist (9590)
    • Say to Inem "change their tune" at any point to receive another notice if lost

Step 5 Abysmal

  1. Find Galdorin Visigothe in The Abysmal Sea
  2. Give Galdorin Notice to Cease and Desist (9590) to get the notice back and receive a character flag
  3. Find Galdorin Visigothe in Nedaria's Landing
    • bring a group or small raid
    • npc spawns when a Rogue on this step enters the zone at -400 x, -1550 y
    • no respawn or cooldown but another rogue on step must re-enter the zone to spawn Galdorin again
    • Optional: hail
  4. Give Galdorin (in Nedaria) Notice to Cease and Desist (9590) - he can now be attacked and may auto aggro on the rogue
  5. Kill Galdorin and loot Signed Agreement (10243)
    • Hits for ~800
    • Casts Galdorin's Alluring Lullaby (5600) single target mez
    • Casts Canticle of Captivation (5601) single target charm
    • Casts Deafening Tritone (5602) single target silence and 1500 dd

Step 6 Overthere

  1. Return to Inem R`ker in The Overthere
  2. Give Inem Signed Agreement (10243) to receive a character flag and another Notice to Cease and Desist (9590)

Step 7 Greater Faydark

  1. Go to Greater Faydark near the Wizard Spire to find two bards
    • Bring a few groups or raid
    • Seana Marsinger in Greater Faydark
      • Max hit ~700
      • Casts Dissonant Screech (5603) single 1500 dd and 750 dot
    • Stefan Marsinger in Greater Faydark
      • Max hit ~700
      • Casts Dissonant Screech (5603) single 1500 dd and 750 dot
      • Casts Shackleroot (5722) single 500 dd and root
    • Two hour respawn on event fail or success
  2. Give Seana Notice to Cease and Desist (9590)
    • A few seconds after giving the notice, Seana and Stefan will become killable and attack the rogue
    • Every 15 to 20 seconds Seana places a Spire Stone (19720) on her target's cursor
    • Five seconds later if the player still has the Nexus Stone, everyone will be ported to the Nexus
    • If using Macroquest and eqbc plugin/erver create the following hotkey to destroy a Nexus Stone on anyone's cursor
      • /noparse /bcaa //if (${Cursor.ID}==19720) /destroy
    • If using Macroquest next and e3next use this hotkey
      • /noparse /e3bcaa /if (${Cursor.ID}==19720) /destroy
  3. Kill Seana (first) and Stefan and loot both Signed Agreement (10239) dropped and Signed Agreement (52416) dropped

Step 8 Overthere

  1. Return to Inem R`ker in The Overthere
  2. Give Inem both Signed Agreement (10239) dropped and Signed Agreement (52416) dropped to receive a character flag and another Notice to Cease and Desist (9590)

Step 9 West Freeport

  1. Find Lythe Songbird in West Freeport
    • Bring a group or small raid
    • Spawn location: -663 x, -58 y in WEST Freeport (EQTitan uses the non-merged Freeport)
    • Despawns 10 minutes after spawning
    • Respawns 70 minutes after despawning or 4 hours after being killed
    • Will most likely spawn when entering the zone, quickly find an turn in before she despawns
  2. Give Lythe Notice to Cease and Desist (9590)
    • Lythe will attack the rogue
    • Hits for 1700 - no spell casts
    • Spawns a seasoned Freeport guard in West Freeport initially and another every 30 seconds
  3. Kill Lythe and loot Signed Agreement (10246)

Step 10 Overthere

  1. Return to Inem R`ker in The Overthere
  2. Give Inem Signed Agreement (10246) to receive a character flag
  3. Hail Inem to receive another character flag
  4. Just to be sure, hail Inem again

Step 11 Nedaria's Landing

If Lirprin does not respond to you at this point, make sure you've done steps 4-10 and try hailing Inem again

  1. Find Lirprin, Head of Affairs in _Head_of_Affairs
    • Optional: hail
  2. Tell Lirprin "favor" to receive a character flag
  3. Find Smith Dandi in Nedaria's Landing (right next to Lirprin)
  4. Hail Dandi to check flags from Step 3 - if all complete you will receive a character flag and the following message:
    • "Smith Dandi's forge is not hot enough to craft the blade."

Step 12 Cavern of Exile

  1. Go to the zone Cavern of Exile (soldungc)
    • Zone in to Solusek's Eye (Sol A / soldunga), run to the south end of the zone and swim in lava to Sol C zone line (follow blue line on map below)
  2. Kill various trash npcs in zone to loot the following 4 items:
  3. Find the Firewatcher in The Caverns of Exile -450 x, 830 y
    • Bring a raid
  4. Give Firewatcher the four looted items
    • One hour cooldown on repeating this event
    • Culthor the Gatekeeper in The Caverns of Exile spawns nearby
    • Six a fiendish guardian in The Caverns of Exile also spawn - each increases Culthor's max hit
    • Killing the fiendish guardians reduce Culthor's max hit
    1. Kill Culthor and loot Smoldering Embers of Solusek (52346) dropped
      • Must be on this step to loot
      • Chance to spawn a chest with additional Epic 1.5 loot

Step 13 Nedaria's Landing

Go back to Nedaria's Landing and give Smoldering Embers of Solusek to Smith Dandi. Receive emote:

Step 14

Go to Rivervale and Hail Shakey Scrawcrow. Next to him you'll also see Reebo Leafsway. Sneak behind Reebo Leafsway so he cons indifferent, say "what research". He will respond by telling you to go to Erudin.

Step 15

Go to the top floor of the Library in Erudin. Give Sornita Eltern 2pp to receive Torn Parchment.

<div class="et-fb-component-settings et-fb-component-settings--section" style="display: block;"> <div class="et-fb-button-group et-fb-button-group--elevate et-fb-button-group--info" style="opacity: 1; transform: scale(1);"> <div class="et-fb-button-group"> <div class="et-fb-button et-fb-button--info et_fb_move_module_handler" data-tip="Move Section" currentitem="false"> <div class="et-fb-icon et-fb-icon--move" style="fill: #ffffff; width: 28px; min-width: 28px; height: 28px; margin: -6px; opacity: 1; transform: scale(1);"><svg viewbox="0 0 28 28" preserveaspectratio="xMidYMid meet" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision"><g></g></svg>

Step 16

Go to to Tower of Frozen Shadow and kill Dark Huntress. She is on the 5th floor. You will need to get keyed or have someone with the keys escort you up. Respawn is approx a couple of hours (not 100% confirmed). Loot Water-Stained Ancient Tome.

While here, go to up floor 6 and loot ground spawn Vial of Boiling Acid off the alchemy table. This will be needed later in the quest.

Step 17

Go back to the Erudin Library and give Water-Stained Ancient Tome to Sornita Eltern to receive Translated Ancient Tome. This is a recipe for Step 18.

Step 18

Next, you'll need to collect 10 items:

Frightful Carved Pumpkin

Shapely Vegetation

Stringy Vines

Vial of Boiling Acid

Miragul's Reanimation Formula

Cage of Transmutation

Tears of the Forgotten

Ancient Dragon Claw

Tattooed Zombie Skin

Unnatural Orange Flame A Frightful Carved Pumpkin - Unrest - Ground spawn in Maze close to zone in. Shapely Vegetation - Fungus Grove - Ground spawn. Apparently Multiple Spawn Points, but I only found one (see map). Look under Ferns. They are near bandit camps. Stringy Veins - Grieg's End - See screenshot for location. Ground spawn. Vial of Boiling Acid - Tower of Frozen Shadow - Floor 6 on the alchemy table. Ground spawn. You should have this already if you are following the guide. Miragul's Reanimation Formula - Everfrost Group LDON missions - Drops randomly out of chests in Everfrost Group Missions. I requested the "hard version" and got it on the second chest. Update: Chests are randomly locked and/or trapped and must be unlocked using the appropriate priest/caster/rogue type of skills. The priest/caster spells are obtained with adventure points. Got the item on normal EF mob count mission - Murder Cage of Transmutation - ChardokB (Hall of Betrayal) - Ground spawn near the entrance to Korocust's room. This is a 9 slot container. Update: Can get here no problem w/ solo rogue but Korucust sees through invis if you don't have SoS and will attack you if you get too far in the room. - Murder Tears of the Forgotten - Plane of Justice - say "remember" to a forgotten spirit to receive this. Update: Need to say "I remember" to get the tears. - Murder Ancient Dragon Claw - Dragon Necropolis - Ground spawn. Tattooed Zombie Skin - Hate's Fury - Ground spawn. Unnatural Orange Flame - Swamp of No Hope - Drops from a dancing flame which spawns up in the treetop.

Step 19

Once you have all 10 items, use Cage of Transmutation as a container and combine the other 9 items into it to create Jack-O-Lantern.

Step 20

Go back to Rivervale and give Shakey Scarecrow your Jack-O-Lantern to receive text:

You'll also receive 2x Shakey's Dilapidated Noggin. This is used for the Scarecrow Illusion, not for 1.5 epic.

Step 21

Go to Steamfont and Find Yendar Starpyre. (note, kith step wouldn't work unless i talked to Yendar first (xiris)) Hail him and say "What of the blue orb?"

Step 22

Go to Kithicor Forest and say "orb" to Kithicor (-550, +1950) to receive Hemisphere of Blue Metal. *Edit: I had to say 'Do you have the blue orb?' - Murder 18/03/2023

Step 22

Go to Dulak's Harbor. Find Siska the Spurned (-715, -520). Pick Pocket her for Fragment of Blue Metal. *Edit: I pick-pocketed her several times and got the message "You were unsuccessful in pick pocketting the fragment even though you do see it in Siska's pocket" in gray text. I attacked her and she poofed saying she wouldn't give me the piece. Respawn is 6 minutes. Tried again after respawn and got it.

Step 23

Go to Bastion of Thunder. Head up to the second floor and go Northeast to the Fire Wing. In a corner next to the boss Brynju Thunderclap, you'll see a bag on the ground (-1180, +110). Pick it up to get Bits of Blue Metal.

Step 24

Go to Plane of Mischief. Your end goal is to get to the Chessboard. Here are some vague directions: Find the theater using your map, go behind a fake bookcase, then a fake wall, go behind second fake bookcase, then a second fakewall. Eventually you'll see a Chessboard on a table. Click it to port to the Chessboard Room.

Say "blue orb" to either of the halflings in the Chessboard room to receive Shard of Blue Metal.

Step 25

Go to Steamfont with a group and find Findleznax Grimblewimbus (-850, -500). Say "I will help you" to spawn a decomposing body. Say "yes" to spawn Renux Herkanor. Kill her and loot Festering Heart of Rage. -Findle spawns around 8 pm - Murder 19/03/2023

Renux Herkanor casts Clockwork Doom (NPC Hatelist, -1000 Poison Resist, Death Touch) Cure with 50 poison counters, 45 second recast. She is also slowable.

Step 26

Go to a forge and combine the items you've gotten: Hemisphere of Blue Metal, Fragment of Blue Metal, Bits of Blue Metal, Shard of Blue Metal, Festering Heart of Rage to create Pulsating Blue Metal Sphere. You'll get the heart back as well.

You'll also receive text:

Step 27

Go to South Ro (not Oasis) and find a wayward kiraikuei. It only spawns at night and roams so you might want to bring a tracker. Hand it Pulsating Blue Metal Sphere. This will create an instance "Innoruuk's Realm" (36 max players). Head to the spectre island (in Oasis) and say "blue orb" (might need to climb the invisible ladder).

Step 28

Once inside, make your way to Innoruuk's room clearing trash along the way. You'll see a Teir`Dal guardian up ahead. Say four phrases to her to get her to attack:





Lanys T'Vyl will spawn and attack. Kill her. Loot Stack of Pages and Soulstone of Lanys.

Step 29

Go back to Steamfont and give Stack of Pages to Yendar Starpyre (roams). Receive emote:

Step 30

Go back to Nedaria's Landing and give Lirprin, Head of Affairs Soulstone of Lanys. Grats on your 1.5 Epic, Fatestealer!!!!!

This guide was copied from and modified.