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Version 14 (modified by sorkail, 17 months ago) (diff)


Rogue 2.0 Epic

Nightshade, Blade of Entropy (52348)

To begin this quest you must have completed the Rogue 1.5 Epic quest.

Steps 2 through 5 and 7 can be done in any order (6 must be done after 1-5)

Step 1 - Nedaria's Landing

  • Find Lirprin, Head of Affairs in Nedaria's Landing
  • Hail him to start a conversation and receive a character flag (required first step)
  • Follow other conversation options (optional) (note "some foolish expedition" will start ldon expedition for step 4)


http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_1.5_Epic/Lirprin-Head-of-Affairs-Map.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_1.5_Epic/Lirprin-Head-of-Affairs.jpg

Step 2 - Gulf of Gunthak

  • Find Lairyn Debeian in The Gulf of Gunthak - bring a group
  • Tell Lairyn "Lirprin sent me"
  • Lairyn will run to the beach. (Note: Lairyn may disappear a few times on the way but he will make it to the beach)

Note: The best way to do this so far is use SK to AE hate mobs, because they will rock Lairyn and are shadowed men, so almost impossible to target. Cast Dread Gaze, and set an enchanter to chain cast (/twist) Memory Flux on Lairyn

  • Once at the beach, five waves of 3 shadowed mobs will spawn and attack Lairyn.
  • Wave spawns one each: a shadowed thug in The Gulf of Gunthak, a shadowed assassin in The Gulf of Gunthak, a shadowed enforcer in The Gulf of Gunthak
  • You will need to pull the mobs off Lairyn and kill them.
  • Loot Cloudy Silver Potion (52354) from the shadowed mobs and give to Lairyn if he needs a heal.
  • After five waves of shadowed mobs are killed, Krill the Backbleeder in The Gulf of Gunthak spawns
  • Kill Krill and loot Krill's Head (52344) and Bloodied Torn Parchment (52345)
  • Give Krill's Head (52344) to Lairyn to receive a character flag.
  • Return to Lirprin, Head of Affairs in Nedaria's Landing and give him Bloodied Torn Parchment (52345) (optional)
  • Lairyn depops 20 minutes after starting the run to the beach and will depop even if in combat.

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Lairyn-Debeian-Map.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Lairyn-Debeian.jpg

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Lairyn-Run-point.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Lairyn-Run-spot-pic.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Krill-the-Backbleeder.jpg


Step 3 - Iceclad

  • Find Lookout Larithim in Iceclad Ocean with a group/raid
  • Say "Lirprin sent me" to start a conversation (optional)
  • Say "what happened then" to receive Air-Tight Strongbox (52339) and spawn Polar Kraken in Iceclad Ocean (two hour cooldown between spawning)
    • The Polar Kraken spawns in the water to the South
    • Frequently casts Squid's Ink 5597 (1500dd and blind) on a random players on hate list
    • Casts Binding Tentacle 5599 (2500dd and snare) on target
    • Periodically spawns four Krakling in Iceclad Ocean that aggro on random players on hate list
    • Polar Kraken depops after 20 minutes, even if in combat
  • Kill Polar Kraken and loot Lump of Raw Alloy (52340)
  • Combine Lump of Raw Alloy (52340) in Air-Tight Strongbox (52339) to create Strongbox Full of Alloy (52341)
  • Give Larithim the Strongbox Full of Alloy (52341) to receive Strongbox Half Full of Velixite (52342) and a character flag

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Lookout-Larithim-Map.png http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Lookout-Larithim.jpg

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Polar-Kraken-Map.png http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Polar-Kraken.jpg


Step 4 - LDON Raid

  • Complete the LDON Everfrost raid Frozen Nightmare

* Multiple rogues on quest can get flagged in the same raid instance, make sure any Rogues seeking this flag have done the initial hail with Lirprin in Nedaria's Landing before starting the expedition

  • To start expedition either say "some foolish expedition" to Lirprin, Head of Affairs in Nedaria's Landing or from the normal LDON raid recruiter Qileour Bahiael in Everfrost say "interested"
  • Donors can teleport directly into the instance by saying "ready" - otherwise go to Everfrost and follow compass
  • Detailed raid information: Frozen Nightmare Raid Guide
  • Complete the four tasks from Durgin Skell in Miragul's Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare to spawn and kill Laskuth the Colossus in Miragul's Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare
  • After killing Laskuth, return to Durgin Skell and say "Lirprin sent me" to receive a character flag.

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Durgin-Skell-Map.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Durgin-Skell.jpg

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Durgin-Skell.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Laskuth-the-Colossus.jpg


Step 5 - Bloodfields

  • Find a reclusive girplan in The Bloodfields with a raid
    • This initial reclusive girplan spawn is a 3 day respawn
    • The girplan can be spawned by giving Caller Donivin the following four items
      • Bucket Mute (52351) dropped
      • Brass Mouthpiece (52350) dropped
      • Polished Bone Horn (52349) dropped
      • Thin Leather Straps (52352) dropped
      • Random drop from any non-named in Bloodfields
      • Must be looted and turned in by a Rogue working on epic 2.0 quest
  • Killing the initial reclusive girplan spawns 5 more in sequence
  • After the fifth dies, either a reclusive girplan in The Bloodfields or Myrhee the Flighty in The Bloodfields spawns
  • Kill Myhee or Rolthee and Rolthee Roundbelly in The Bloodfields spawns
  • Say "Lirprin sent me" to receive a character flag and chance to spawn a chest
  • All spawned npcs (not the initial reclusive girplan) will despawn after 10 minutes

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/girplan-spawns.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/a-reclusive-girplan.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Myrhee-the-Flighty.jpg

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Keetra-the-Lost.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Keetra-Emote.jpg

Step 6 - Ruined City of Dranik

  • Find Daignal the Revered in The Ruined City of Dranik
  • Say "Lirprin sent me" to start a conversation (optional)
  • Say "assassins" to spawn Wren Simsy in The Ruined City of Dranik (must have completed steps 1-5)
  • Wren will wound Lirprin and then go aggro
  • At least two a shadowed assassin in The Ruined City of Dranik will spawn - more assassins will frequently spawn depending on the number of characters on Wren's hate list
  • The shadowed assassins cannot be killed and will heal to full at 50% health
  • When Wren is killed the shadowed assassins will despawn - loot Wren's Fatestealer (21346)

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Daignal-the-Revered-Map.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Daignal-the-Revered-standing.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Wren-Simsy.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Daignal-the-Revered.jpg

Step 7 - Anguish

  • Raid Anguish, the Fallen Palace and obtain a Globe of Discordant Energy (47100) dropped
  • Drops from the following events:
    • Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
    • Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
    • Arch Magus Vangl
    • Overlord Mata Muram

Step 8 - Final Turnin

  • Find Smith Dandi in Nedaria's Landing
  • Hail Dandi to receive a character flag (must have done steps 1-6 above)

http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_1.5_Epic/Lirprin-Head-of-Affairs-Map.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_1.5_Epic/Smith-Dandi.jpg


  • Give Lirprin the following items (after hailing Smith Dandi) to receive your Epic 2.0 Nightshade, Blade of Entropy (52348)
  • Hail Lirprin (optional)
  • Hail Smith Dandi (optional)


http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_2.0/Nightshade-Stats.jpg http://eqtitan.com/GuideImages/Rogue_1.5_Epic/Nightshade-Graphic.jpg

This guide was copied from eqprogression.com and modified.

If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc.