Version 5 (modified by skomag, 6 weeks ago) (diff)


Shadowknight 1.5 Epic

Innoruuk's Voice (50003)

You must have completed the Shadowknight 1.0 Epic to begin this quest. The 1.0 bypass aka 1.5 prequest is not available on EQTitan server.

Pre-Farm List

Step 1 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Find Sienn Kastane in Plane of Knowledge
  • Hail and follow the conversation (optional)
  • Say "items" to receive a character flag
  1. Find Grand Librarian Maelin in Plane of Knowledge
  • Say "tome" (optional)
  • Say "find an egg" to receive a character flag

Step 2 Murkglider Breeder

  • Find and kill Murkglider Breeder in The Ruined City of Dranik at the red circle on the map
  • Bring a couple groups
  • Has a place holder with a 20 minute respawn timer
  • Spawns Murkglider Spawn in The Ruined City of Dranik on combat and casts a hatelist dd+dot
  • Loot Gelatinous Murkglider Egg (55900) dropped

Step 3 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Return to Grand Librarian Maelin in Plane of Knowledge
  2. Give Maelin Gelatinous Murkglider Egg (55900) dropped to receive a character flag and The Silent Gods (20520)
  3. Return to Sienn Kastane in Plane of Knowledge
  4. Give Sienn The Silent Gods (20520) to receive a dhcaracter flag

Step 4 Gather Items

Collect 3 items:

  1. Eye of the Dark God (21675) dropped from Amygdalin in Plane of Fear (many spawn in the temple)
  2. Lock of Blessed Unicorn Hair (21496) dropped from Rolling Plains Steed in Plane of Growth
  3. Gloom Nightmare Hide (20622) dropped from Gloom Nightmare in Plane of Nightmare (though Hobgolin tunnels)

Step 5 Tailoring 100

  1. Get Tailoring to 100. Here is a Tailoring Guide.

Step 6 Combine

  1. Combine the following (from step 4) in a Loom or Sewing Kit to create Sheath of Darktidings (20426) (min Tailoring skill required: 100)

Recipe Details

Step 7 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Return to Sienn Kastane in Plane of Knowledge
  2. Give Sienn Sheath of Darktidings (20426) to receive a character flag

Step 8 Plane of Valor

  1. Find Fraga in Plane of Valor with a group (hits 2500+)
  2. Kill Fraga and loot Fraga's Parchment (23492) dropped

Step 9 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Return to Sienn Kastane in Plane of Knowledge
  2. Give Sienn Fraga's Parchment (23492) dropped to receive a character flag
  3. Say "presence" to Sienn to receive a character flag

Step 10 Plane of Nightmare

  1. Find The Wailing Sister in Plane of Nightmare with a raid
  2. Hail the wailing sister and she will attack - hits 1k+ with a pbae silence
  3. Kill the wailing sister and loot Wailing Rune (19025) dropped and Wailing Sister Blood (20497) dropped

Step 11 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Return to Sienn Kastane in Plane of Knowledge
  2. Give Sienn Wailing Rune (19025) dropped and Wailing Sister Blood (20497) dropped to receive Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice (11407)

Step 12 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Find Gilina Yilzior in Plane of Knowledge on the top floor
  2. Give Gilina Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice (11407) to receive a character flag

Step 13 Kill Named

Kill four named in four separate zones with a group or two. Twoish hour respawn time for each.

  1. Hail and kill Giligatabbus Igglebix in Iceclad Ocean and loot Giligatabbus's Head (20079) dropped
  2. Hail and kill Gubblegrot Smashfist in Ocean of Tears and loot Gubblegrot's Head (16793) dropped
  3. Hail and kill Silithis Sisnta in Timorous Deep and loot Silithis's Head (16813) dropped
  4. Hail and kill Skurza Slicekutt in Swamp Of No Hope and loot Skurza's Head (20899) dropped

Step 14 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Return to Gilina Yilzior in Plane of Knowledge
  2. Give Gilina the four heads from the above step to receive a character flag and Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice (22199)

Step 15 Kithicor

  1. Find Tarnamil in Kithicor Woods with a raid - only spawns at night
  2. Hail Tarnamil, he will despawn and six Paladin npcs will spawn nearby
  3. Kill the Paladins and loot three Paladin Blood Sample (20904) dropped - they hit for 1k and cannot be split

Paladin spawns:

Step 16 Plane of Knowledge

  1. Return to Gilina Yilzior in Plane of Knowledge
  2. Give Gilinia Sheathed Innoruuk's Voice (22199) and three Paladin Blood Sample (20904) dropped to receive a character flag

Step 17 Western Wastes

  1. Find Sir Elmonious Falmont in Western Wastelands with a raid - twoish hour respawn
  2. Hail Elmonious with the SK on this step and he will aggro on the SK
  3. Kill Elmonious and loot Sir Elmonious's Holy Symbol (55901) dropped
  • Hits for 3k+
  • Casts Aura of Falmont (5759) pbae 2k dd and 1k mana drain prismatic
  • Casts Supernal Retribution (5757) single target 3 sec stun

Step 18 Final Turn In

  1. Return to Gilina Yilzior in Plane of Knowledge
  2. Give Gilina Sir Elmonious's Holy Symbol (55901) dropped to receive Epic 1.5 Innoruuk's Voice

This guide was copied from and modified.