Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Guides/EpicWarrior2.0

2/10/2022 2:12:21 PM (2 years ago)



  • Guides/EpicWarrior2.0

    v1 v1  
     1**This quest is not yet implemented on EQTitan.** 
     3**WARNING: This guide has not been edited and reviewed for EQTitan servers. There may be differences in game.** 
     5If you run into any problems while following this guide, please mention the problem in Discord or server wide /ooc. 
     7Warrior 2.0 Epic Guide 
     9Kreljnok's Sword of Eternal Power 
     11[[Image(, width=93, height=83)]] 
     13To begin this quest you must have completed the [[Guides/EpicWarrior1.5|Warrior 1.5 Epic]] quest. 
     15The following steps are pre-lootable: 
     17[[#Step2|Step 2]] - Loot Kreljnok's Muddled Rage from Possessed Brute in MPG 
     19[[#Step4|Step 4]] (Part 1) - Loot Frozen Pestle in Iceclad Ocean 
     21[[#Step7|Step 7]] - Loot Globe of Discordant Energy from Anguish 
     23== Step 1 == #Step1 
     25Go to Dranik's Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). 
     27- Say "going back" to receive emote: 
     31[[Image(, width=247, height=249)]][[Image(, width=193, height=250)]] 
     33== Step 2 == #Step2 
     35Go to Muramite Proving Grounds with a group and locate Possessed Brute. He has a single PH that is a dragorn type mob. See map for spawn location. Kill Possessed Brute and loot [[Image(, width=23, height=24)]] Kreljnok's Muddled Rage. 
     37[[Image(, width=329, height=278)]][[Image(, width=190, height=278)]][[Image(, width=158, height=279)]] 
     39- Hits 2500+ 
     41- Casts Dark Mass (NPC Hatelist, 800 DD, Chromatic Based) 
     43- Casts Dragornian Malady (PBAE, 200 DD, 100/tick DoT, Disease Based) 
     45== Step 3 == #Step3 
     47Go back to Dranik's Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). Give him [[Image(, width=23, height=24)]] Kreljnok's Muddled Rage. He will give it back and emote: 
     49- Say "purification expert" 
     53[[Image(, width=247, height=249)]][[Image(, width=193, height=250)]] 
     55== Step 4 == #Step4 
     571) Go to Iceclad Ocean and obtain a [[Image(, width=19, height=19)]] Frozen Pestle. This is a ground spawn. They tend to spawn near dragon head statues. It will look like a bag on the ground. 
     59[[Image(, width=323, height=279)]][[Image(, width=227, height=278)]][[Image(]] 
     612) While still in Iceclad Ocean, locate Fazzle Thumpkin (+4000, -20000). He is on the far east side of the zone. You can take the boat or Translocator NPC on the northern island to get there. 
     633) Give Fazzle Thumpkin [[Image(, width=19, height=19)]] Frozen Pestle, then say "map" to receive [[Image(, width=23, height=25)]] Fazzle's Map of East Wastes. 
     65[[Image(, width=402, height=188)]][[Image(, width=162, height=188)]] 
     67== Step 5 == #Step5 
     691) Go to Eastern Wastes with a small group. Head over to the Kael gorge area (stay up top). Put [[Image(, width=23, height=25)]] Fazzle's Map of East Wastes on your cursor. After a minute or two you should begin to see emotes: 
     73Eventually the map will begin to direct you: 
     77It's supposed to lead you to Larnik the Recluse, but it doesn't always work. If it doesn't lead you to him you'll have to wait for the map to direct you again. It seems to repeat every 8-10 minutes. Repeat this process until you find Larnik the Recluse. 
     79Note: This part is kind of gimmicky. From what I can tell/has been reported to me the map may only work between 7pm and 7am (give or take an hour) game time. This will give you only a few chances to spawn Larnik per in-game day. If he doesn't pop by 7am you'll need to wait until 7pm the next in-game day and try again. 
     81Additionally, it has been reported that once he has been killed he goes on a 24-hour cool down, although this has not been confirmed by me personally. Spawning a new pick might be an option here (50 people required) if your guild is trying to do more than one at a time.** 
     83When he pops, you'll see: 
     87It took me about 40 minutes to get him to spawn. 
     892) Say "korbuk sent me" to get him to stop. Say "purification" and he will attack. Kill him and loot 
     91[[Image(, width=22, height=17)]] Larnik's Locked Purification Kit. Hits 1600+. 
     93[[Image(, width=172, height=163)]] 
     95== Step 6 == #Step6 
     971) Go back to Dranik's Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). Give him [[Image(, width=22, height=17)]] Larnik's Locked Purification Kit to receive [[Image(, width=26, height=21)]] Larnik's Unlocked Purification Kit (2-slot container). 
     992) Put [[Image(, width=23, height=24)]] Kreljnok's Muddled Rage into [[Image(, width=26, height=21)]] Larnik's Unlocked Purification Kit (2-slot container) and hit combine to create [[Image(, width=23, height=24)]] Kreljnok's Focused Rage. 
     1033) "Hail" Korbuk Brimblade, then say "more" to receive emote: 
     107[[Image(, width=247, height=249)]][[Image(, width=193, height=250)]] 
     109== Step 7 == #Step7 
     111Raid Anguish and obtain a [[Image(, width=22, height=17)]] Globe of Discordant Energy. 
     113Drops from the following events: 
     115Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last) 
     117Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last) 
     119Arch Magus Vangl 
     121Overlord Mata Muram 
     123== Step 8 == #Step8 
     125Go back to Dranik's Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). 
     1271) Give him [[Image(, width=22, height=17)]] Globe of Discordant Energy. 
     1292) Give him [[Image(, width=23, height=24)]] Kreljnok's Focused Rage and your [[Image(, width=25, height=22)]] 1.5 Epic: Champion's Sword of Eternal Power to receive [[Image(, width=25, height=22)]] Raging Sword of Eternal Power. 
     1313) Say "last item" to receive emote: 
     135[[Image(, width=247, height=249)]][[Image(, width=193, height=250)]] 
     137== Step 9 == #Step9 
     139Go to Nobles' Causeway with a raid. Go to the location on the map (+1160, +1130). Korbuk Brimblade will spawn when you get close. Say "won't give me da sword". He will attack. Kill him 
     141Hits 2,600+ 
     143AE Rampage 
     145Casts Whirlwind Slice (PBAE, 1250 DD + 1.5 Sec Stun, Magic Based) 
     147Has Low HP 
     149Upon his death, Essence of Kreljnok spawns: 
     151Hits 2,000+ 
     153Substantially more HP than Korbuk Brimblade 
     155Casts Aura of Kreljnok (PBAE, 2500 DD and -50 Mana, Poison Based) 
     157Loot [[Image(, width=22, height=24)]] Brimblade's Scabbard (2-slot container) from Korbuk Brimblade and loot [[Image(, width=21, height=22)]] Kreljnok's Essence from Essence of Kreljnok. 
     159[[Image(, width=297, height=310)]][[Image(, width=268, height=283)]][[Image(, width=212, height=282)]] 
     161== Step 10 == #Step10 
     163Combine [[Image(, width=21, height=22)]] Kreljnok's Essence and [[Image(, width=25, height=22)]] Raging Sword of Eternal Power inside [[Image(, width=22, height=24)]] Brimblade's Scabbard (2-slot container) to receive your [[Image(, width=27, height=24)]] 2.0 Epic: Kreljnok's Sword of Eternal Power! 
     167[[Image(, width=414, height=630)]][[Image(]] 
     170//This guide was copied from and modified.