Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Server

3/21/2022 10:19:23 PM (2 years ago)



  • Server

    v15 v16  
    5858* Items sold by offline sellers can be purchased on the [[|Website Tool]] and then claimed in game from Parcel NPCs. 
    5959* Plastic Surgeon NPC in the Plane of Knowledge (near Guild Lobby zone) allows easy race or name changes and guild creation 
    60 * Limited GM activity - they are available for major issues but mostly hands off and will not summon items or give levels to players 
    6160* Fabled NPCs spawn all the time instead of seasonally. They spawn non-agro and can be told to "go away" to spawn the non-fabled named 
    6261* Splitpaw original and revamped Infected zones are both available 
    9796* Gates of Discord flagging progression must be done fully as original [[|Guide]] 
     98=== GMs === 
     100* Very few people have access to any GM #commands - aka status - since the server started only four people have had access 
     101* The limited GM accounts is intentional to prevent corruption - we treat server integrity very seriously 
     102* Do not bother asking if a GM will give you GM access, free levels or summon items because we do not do that on this server (we get asked a lot and always say no) 
     103* Generally, items accidentally deleted or looted on the wrong character will not be replaced - exceptions only if the item is rare or hard to get 
     104* Your first source of help with a problem should be in the server wide /ooc or in Discord - the community here is extremely helpful and can solve most problems 
     105* Please do not ask "is there a gm online" - this doesn't mean the GMs aren't helpful, but nearly every time this has been asked the follow up question could have been answered by the community in /ooc 
     106* If the issue is something you believe only a GM can handle, please use /petition with a full description of the problem and it will notify us on Discord 
     107* Bugs should be reported in Discord #bug-reports or /bug command 
    99109=== Website === 